Quote Originally Posted by Lozza22 View Post
Thank you, that’s helped a little. I am able to communicate well at least although I do appreciate that it’s still hard to understand. I’d actually like someone to be able to see inside my head so they know what I mean, whereas usually that would be a horrifying idea! The only way through is acceptance, which is near impossible for me to do at the moment as for the first time I’m actually relying on the help of others and my business is suffering etc etc. If you’d like to I’d be happy to message privately? It does help to talk to others who experience similar things
Feel free to message me any time, I pop in and out fairly frequently.

Acceptance doesn’t just happen all at once it’s little steps, even just taking a singular moment of acceptance and just letting the thoughts flow through without judging them and getting hung up is the start, we need to build the foundations first.

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