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Thread: Coming off quetiapine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Coming off quetiapine

    Hope all here is doing fine and dandy

    This is for Ian panic or anyone with experiencing

    I gotta come off Q coz can't get no more. Been on 50mg for sleep 5 years n it works real good.

    So I taking 25mg one nite, 50mg the next. Sleep 6 hours on 25mg and sometimes 10 hours on 50mg. Something tells me this ain't way to go.

    Should I try break a pill and hang on 37mg a while? Or just go for it and only take 25mg?

    I asked similar question before and Ian said I could switch to hydroxozone a antihistamine but can't get anything to replace Q with.

    I don't got issues with withdrawal symptoms. I figure if I stop completely vI won't be able to sleep at all for a while.

    If I stop completely any idea how long insomnia will last? I got experiencing of similar when I come CT offa Xanax. 2 weeks without any sleep.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Coming off quetiapine

    Quote Originally Posted by lebonvin View Post
    I gotta come off Q coz can't get no more. Been on 50mg for sleep 5 years n it works real good.

    So I taking 25mg one nite, 50mg the next. Sleep 6 hours on 25mg and sometimes 10 hours on 50mg. Something tells me this ain't way to go.
    No, it isn't the right way to do it as quetiapine has a short 6-7 hour half-life so taking it that way can set up a yo-yo effect which can become very disturbing.

    Should I try break a pill and hang on 37mg a while? Or just go for it and only take 25mg?
    You will probably have relatively few issues dropping back to 25mg/day for a week or two and then quitting. Note: XR tablets should not be cut, or crushed.

    I asked similar question before and Ian said I could switch to hydroxozone a antihistamine but can't get anything to replace Q with.
    Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) may help with rebound insomnia, but not with withdrawal effects triggered by the loss of activity on other receptors. Check that the Benadryl you has diphenhydramine as the active ingredient as some formulations contain non sedating antihistamines.

    If I stop completely any idea how long insomnia will last? I got experiencing of similar when I come CT offa Xanax. 2 weeks without any sleep.
    Unfortunately, this is a 'how long is a piece of string' question which can only be answered with, "it depends." It may be anywhere from little if any loss of sleep to several weeks of watching early AM reruns of I Love Lucy.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Coming off quetiapine

    Thanks Ian. Will do as you say

    Is Benadryl otc gear or doc only?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Coming off quetiapine

    Quote Originally Posted by lebonvin View Post
    Is Benadryl otc gear or doc only?
    OTC. I don't know whether supermarkets sell it in the U.S., but pharmacies will.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Coming off quetiapine

    Hi Ian

    Really appreciate yours help

    My Q ain't XR so I cut a pill in half last night. With 37.5 slept as if it was 75

    One weird gig maybe you's can explain.

    I got these 100mg pills leftover from 18 month ago. An injun generic brand different from the 25mg pills what is US Seroquel.

    A month ago split into 4 quarter. First two quarters knocked me out on successive nites. 3rd quarter gave me the mother of all restless legs, had to do a loada calf raises to get rid of it.

    I got them restless legs when I was taking 200/300 but not since then. Weird. Doc says they is just common side effects.

    Don't wanna trash them pills if that happens again.

    What's your read on this one?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Coming off quetiapine

    Hey Ian

    just wanted to add that your stuff on the virus is excellente. That's exactly what folk ought to be readin on MH forums.

    The other forums I on have all but one closed down all discussions on virus coz it don't do any folk no good. I guess same happened here but took the bosses a while, I said she's before it weren't appropriate for MH forum coz it only freaks folk out.

    Hope your fine and dandy and I guess in your part of Oz it ain't such a problem.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Coming off quetiapine

    Quote Originally Posted by lebonvin View Post
    I guess same happened here but took the bosses a while, I said she's before it weren't appropriate for MH forum coz it only freaks folk out.
    Isn't discussion still going on in the Miscellaneous forum?

    Hope your fine and dandy and I guess in your part of Oz it ain't such a problem.
    I'm excellent, thanks for asking. Hope you are too. I'm having a great time. All the tourists have scampered back to their homes leaving the trout streams to the locals. I've only seen 2 others fishing in the last few weeks. Unfortunately, the fish are being less than cooperative, but I come across just enough stupid ones to keep me interested and the larder stocked.

    Both the federal and state government have fortunately been on the front foot both in terms of managing the virus and economy, much to my surprise, especially on the latter. Until Sunday before last we were looking at declining numbers of people infected in Tasmania with no community transmission, but a monumental error elsewhere has changed that. Still, at this stage the danger is minimal which is fortunate as my prognosis wouldn't be great if I became infected. I've treated myself to a bigger TV and new laptop and am hunkering down until either there's a vaccine, or I'm the last one standing.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Coming off quetiapine

    Hi Ian

    Your in a good place and I'm envious.

    Yous missed a post so I just copied

    Hi Ian

    Really appreciate yours help
    My Q ain 't XR so I cut a pill in half last night . With 37.5 slept as if it was 75
    One weird gig maybe you 's can explain .
    I got these 100 mg pills leftover from 18 month ago . An injun generic brand different from the 25mg pills what is US Seroquel .
    A month ago split into 4 quarter . First two quarters knocked me out on successive nites . 3 rd quarter gave me the mother of all restless legs , had to do a loada calf raises to get rid of it .
    I got them restless legs when I was taking 200 / 300 but not since then . Weird . Doc says they is just common side effects .

    Don 't really wanna trash them pills if that happens again.
    What 's your read on this one ?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Coming off quetiapine

    Quote Originally Posted by lebonvin View Post
    One weird gig maybe you 's can explain .
    I got these 100 mg pills leftover from 18 month ago . An injun generic brand different from the 25mg pills what is US Seroquel .
    A month ago split into 4 quarter . First two quarters knocked me out on successive nites . 3 rd quarter gave me the mother of all restless legs , had to do a loada calf raises to get rid of it .
    I got them restless legs when I was taking 200 / 300 but not since then . Weird . Doc says they is just common side effects .

    Don 't really wanna trash them pills if that happens again.
    What 's your read on this one ?
    Beats me, Charlie. My initial thought was that maybe the quetiapine isn't evenly distributed throughout the tablet, but that's unlikely to be the case with 3 of 4 quarters. Are you sure they are 100mg tablets? Magnesium supplements may help with restless legs.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Coming off quetiapine

    Hi Ian

    Them trout must taste real good! Been a while since I had such delicacy.

    I think you'd right about the Q not being evenly distributed. I as usual never explained it properly.

    The first two quarters worked real good. The third quarter only was a bust. I checked again and the pill said 100 mg.

    Any roads that's good you'd said what you did. It won't be the case with every pill. I've heard of other folk complain about a generic being 'different' from a brand but never really believed it till now.

    Stay safe and eat a trout for me!

    Many thanks as always! I vote yous MVP of all MH forums on the planet.

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