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Thread: It happened *content warning*

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    It happened *content warning*

    So I posted a few days ago about my boyfriend having a stomach virus where he had diarrhea I was doing fine until last night when my stomach started to feel upset, I tried my best to stay calm and after about an hour or so I started having diarrhea and nausea I was trying to wait it out, my bf got Zofran when he went to the doctor the other day so I was going to try to take one when it happened, I vomited , this is the first time I’ve actually vomited since 2012, I was nervous but I got through and my boyfriend was very supportive afterwards and helped me calm down, now I’m in bed trying to rest, just really needing some support it was a hard night.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: It happened *content warning*

    I'm so sorry you had such a rough time, but well done on dealing with it so well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: It happened *content warning*

    Quote Originally Posted by textsfromthemoon View Post
    So I posted a few days ago about my boyfriend having a stomach virus where he had diarrhea I was doing fine until last night when my stomach started to feel upset, I tried my best to stay calm and after about an hour or so I started having diarrhea and nausea I was trying to wait it out, my bf got Zofran when he went to the doctor the other day so I was going to try to take one when it happened, I vomited , this is the first time I’ve actually vomited since 2012, I was nervous but I got through and my boyfriend was very supportive afterwards and helped me calm down, now I’m in bed trying to rest, just really needing some support it was a hard night.
    Relax and put your feet up. When I'm ill I sometimes count it as a blessing that I'm able to have an excuse to be lazy all day. You know it's just an illness and it will pass. I too fear vomiting but if I'm genuinely ill I can seem to cope with it better because I know what's causing it. It's when it happens out of the blue that it's worrying. At least you know what it is, your boyfriend probably didn't when he was getting ill. If I'm the first to get ill I'm a mess

    Keep hydrated with water. Arrow root biscuits are pretty good when you're sick. Most people hold them down in small quantities so they can get a few calories. Or dry toast has worked for me in the past. Oh, and cheesy Doritos for some strange reason.

    You got this.
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Re: It happened *content warning*

    Thank you both so much for replying! Yeah my boyfriend was definitely more concerned when he started feeling sick, he went to the doctor who told him yup..stomach virus, my symptoms matched his nearly completely (except for the fact I threw up and he didnt lol go figure) I definitely spent the whole day Friday just resting and ended up sleeping for nearly 10 hours that night which helped immensely, my stomach is still a bit iffy but its definitely getting better every day its nice to have people who understand and also to know I can go through it and be okay!

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