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Thread: 2+2=4 but my head is trying to force a 5!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    2+2=4 but my head is trying to force a 5!


    About 3 weeks ago things got REALLY overwhelming for me at work, worked two 70 hour weeks with a ridiculous deadline.

    I’ve had some really bad turns these last few weeks, nearly walked out of the place screaming. It’s all been overwhelming.

    Long story short around that time my stomach decided to start doing some weird impressions. Seriously bad farts, multiple trips to the loo etc. Over the past week or so that side of things has calmed down however I still feel a bit delicate.

    Now I know thanks to reading this forum that it’s no surprise I’ve gone to pieces internally and considering I’ve tried to persuade myself of late that a blocked salivary gland was mouth cancer I’m not going back down that road.

    Every symptom points to a bout of IBS. I know this (no blood, not overly tired or anything, still playing football, riding bikes etc) would you say I’m doing a pretty good job just keeping positive and trying to be in control of my HA or should I actually be heading to the docs? Literally everything I can pin down to one day at the beginning of this month.

    Mums 60th, worrying about getting caught doing a naughty on the roads in the car and the work stuff. My brain went and lo and behold this accompanied it.

    I’m not playing something down am I?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: 2+2=4 but my head is trying to force a 5!

    It can take your body ages to recover from a really stressful time.

    I honestly don't think you have anything to worry about here.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Re: 2+2=4 but my head is trying to force a 5!

    So I’ve let the head go mad... hard to explain but there seems to be a pattern of at the weekend I’m fine, weekday at work I start getting the pangs.

    Last night drank some cocktails and had a horrid sharp pain. Convinced myself I’ve got a stomach ulcer.

    Headed to the walk in centre and saw a nurse. She’s prodded round and said that she couldn’t feel an swelling or any growths in the usual places.

    Sent me on my way with Gaviscon, she thinks it’s increased acid in my system due to stress.

    As a side note she wanted to do a diabetes test, when she pricked my finger not one drop of blood came out till the fourth go.

    I’m guessing that says it all, I’m absolutely tightly sprung aren’t I?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: 2+2=4 but my head is trying to force a 5!

    Totally, yep.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Re: 2+2=4 but my head is trying to force a 5!

    I think you're fine - as you say you're healthy otherwise. Im like you though- a bad cocktail or sugary cider and Im back to pains, gaggy feelins and d* , terrible!

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