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Thread: thank you

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    thank you

    Posted - 15/10/2003 : 22:35:04

    Firstly i would like 2 thank everyone for taking the time 2 answer my questions or 2 post a response of their own. i aplogise for being a way from the boards but i have been having a pretty bad time of late my partner who i thought was coping with how i am as suddenly decided he dosent want the hassle of me so as uped and left while i was out at college one day. so this as left me not only feeling anxious but also a little depressed.
    i feel so alone right now and i feel like i have no grip on my life any more i will try and post agin soon on the boards take care every one



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Wendy

    So sorry to hear that - I can understand how you feel because if you have read "My story" you will know that the same thing happened to me. My partner at the time, when I was REALLY bad, said he couldn't cope with me and just walked out. I was devastated. I was alone, panicking and feeling dreadful. I got very depressed and as he was my lifeline when I panic'd I was left all alone with no-one who understood to help me.

    It is not nice to think that someone we loved and who loved us cannot bear to help us through the bad times but he just said that he wanted to have his life back and have some fun!

    I am truly sorry but please try and get back on your feet again.

    Alex - my current partner - started to come and see me after I split up with the boyfriend (alex was a mutual friend). He came to see me at weekends to make sure I was ok. 7 years later we are still together.

    The worst feeling was loneliness and I had just got used to him living with me when he left.

    I hope you can come back from this situation like I did and in time you will see that it was not meant to be and he was not the one.

    Keep smiling :-)


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    , , .

    I'm so sorry to hear what you've gone through.

    I've had HA, depression (including nervous breakdown) for many years (and I'm only 30!). I've been with my hubby since I was 17 and it has been hell for him I know. Problem is, I am often wrapped up in my own misery that I never even consider him - which I hate myself for cos it's so selfish. I know that he has made himself ill worrying about me - though he very rarely complains and is an absolute angel - and it must be tough listening to all my complaints, constant requests for reassurance - but I thank God he has stood by me.

    Nicola's right - he's not the right one for you. Believe me, you will find someone who IS the One.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    To be honest, I have not really relied on my boyfriend - I wouldnt even dream of ringing him for reasurance, I always ring a friend if panic sets in, I'm quite lucky I supose my panic has sort of subsided and I almost never suffer from anxiety - just remember boyfriends aren't always forever you can find no substitute for a good set of friends and just confirm once again what Nic has said, he wasnt the one for you - sounds like a right git leaving without a word, you can do without that sort of flacky person in your life!!

    x Shell


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