Hello, please can someone help me.
I started with an enlarged node behind my ear (I say enlarged it is 0.5cm) it has slightly shrunk from when I first found it 6 weeks ago.
I had blood tests done 3 weeks ago they were All clear. My cell count lymphocytes everything fine levels. However my health anxiety has taken over I have found 4 more nodes on my neck and lumps on my head I am finding them everywhere even thought I found some in my elbows. The one son my neck feel very mobile they slip around and are like small beans under my skin none of which you can see only can feel them when touching my neck. I have been to 4 doctors at my local surgery who have all said I do not have cancer and have given me anti depressants and beta blockers to help the anxiety.
Should I be worried about the nodes I've also found or is it normal to feel them the drs have all felt around and not mentioned more even tho the one I can feel on my right side of my neck moves around loads and it's about 2cm I don't know if it's a node I think it is but it's been that size for around 4 weeks so even before my blood tests.