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Thread: Weird phobias

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Weird phobias

    Wondered if anyone here has a weird/random phobia?

    I have the biggest fear of killer whales, I couldn't think of anything worse and even the thought of them makes me sweat and I've also had a panic attack over a video played in work once ()

    I shouldn't laugh but it's so random.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Weird phobias

    So, the film Free Willy must be as popular in your house as Arachnophobia is in a few of our other member's homes!
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  3. #3
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    Sep 2017

    Re: Weird phobias

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    So, the film Free Willy must be as popular in your house as Arachnophobia is in a few of our other member's homes!

    Banned from my house :(

    Don't get me started on when blackfish came out, they were everywhere. I also live near Weston - where dismaland came, massive orca statue was there I nearly collapsed, don't even know where the fear comes from haha

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Weird phobias

    That must have seemed like someone, somewhere was singling you out for some punishment?!!! It must have been a bit like that scene in Back To The Future II where that giant holographic jaws shark bites down on Marty!

    Killer whales always seem like they are grinning.

    Do you like penguins though? They also loathe killer whales. (surely everyone loves penguins?)

    Is Flipper allowed though?
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  5. #5
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    Re: Weird phobias

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    That must have seemed like someone, somewhere was singling you out for some punishment?!!! It must have been a bit like that scene in Back To The Future II where that giant holographic jaws shark bites down on Marty!

    Killer whales always seem like they are grinning.

    Do you like penguins though? They also loathe killer whales. (surely everyone loves penguins?)

    Is Flipper allowed though?

    I didn't realise I didn't get the notification unless it was quoted

    Killer whales do look like they're constantly happy or up to something. I literally have nightmares about them like a child. I took my son to watch happy feet and it had a cartoon whale in and that was enough to make me cringe! "Come on son were going home"

    Yeah I love penguins I fed them when I went to the Isle of Wight. I think seals are probably a bit more scared of them than me aswell.

    What about you? Do you have any weird phobias?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Weird phobias

    Not really phobias unless you count wasps but I doubt many people like them!

    When my OCD came along though I did have problems with Magical Thinking so I ended up with a load of weird worries. Walking on cracks in pavements (a classic for MT), wearing the right t-shirts for certain days, using the same fork to eat, eating the same meals each week on the right days, etc. Some of these, like the fork, were extensions of things I already did without worry but they became a "you must do this or you will panic" issue so I felt like I no longer had the choices I had before.

    So, I can appreciate weird phobias after going through that.

    Hah! Killer whales, the sneaky so & so's, never trust 'em! Turn your back on them and they make funny faces at us!

    Seals are nice. I just see their dog like faces and think they are cute.
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  7. #7
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    Re: Weird phobias

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    Not really phobias unless you count wasps but I doubt many people like them!

    When my OCD came along though I did have problems with Magical Thinking so I ended up with a load of weird worries. Walking on cracks in pavements (a classic for MT), wearing the right t-shirts for certain days, using the same fork to eat, eating the same meals each week on the right days, etc. Some of these, like the fork, were extensions of things I already did without worry but they became a "you must do this or you will panic" issue so I felt like I no longer had the choices I had before.

    So, I can appreciate weird phobias after going through that.

    Hah! Killer whales, the sneaky so & so's, never trust 'em! Turn your back on them and they make funny faces at us!

    Seals are nice. I just see their dog like faces and think they are cute.

    Oh yeah I've heard of that before actually but not to much, like believing if you say stepped on a certain road something would happen(just a example) did you have that? How is your OCD now?

    I love seals they are so cute and innocent and then a massive animal comes along and eats the poor thing

  8. #8
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    Mar 2014

    Re: Weird phobias

    Yep, that's it. It's a bit like when you were a kid and thought you had super powers as MT makes you worry you can make bad things happen if you don't do things like stepping on the right stones.

    My OCD is still a problem but it's more about the obsessional end that has joined in with my primary GAD disorder. The compulsion side I've sorted out. The intrusive thoughts are long sorted too.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  9. #9
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    Re: Weird phobias

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    Yep, that's it. It's a bit like when you were a kid and thought you had super powers as MT makes you worry you can make bad things happen if you don't do things like stepping on the right stones.

    My OCD is still a problem but it's more about the obsessional end that has joined in with my primary GAD disorder. The compulsion side I've sorted out. The intrusive thoughts are long sorted too.

    Aw that must suck because I hear it's like people with OCD truly believe it will happen.

    Im glad you've sorted some of it out, I bet that took a while though and hard work. I had anxiety for so long as a teenager and getting older and it honestly took such a long time to get everything back to some sort of normal

    Terry I must ask - do you ever sleep? Lol

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Weird phobias

    You're asking me if I sleep? You're on when I am. Yep, it's one of the issues I've struggled with over the years. My daily routine got later & later until I was living at night instead. Since change was a massive problem for me (and early on even changing clothes was a challenge, washing, etc I used to sit on the settee all day and be afraid of moving or brushing my teeth, eating, etc) I was very afraid of moving my day around. The first couple of years I would panic every bank holiday because my fixed daily routine was forced to change.

    I've broken a lot of it up now, after trying & failing so many times over the years, so it's less of a problem but it's still something I'm working on. So, at the moment I sleep in two periods most days so I'm doing stuff the rest of the time. But I can break it, it's more keeping it going that's the issue.

    Thanks. It took about two years sorting out the compulsions. I didn't have them until I relapsed and started a med that ramped up my anxiety much worse and weeks later it all started. The first year was a real hell and little to no progress was made. But after that I found my way with exposure work and it got there.

    My anxiety came after burning out at work when I was 30. Before that things were fine. I didn't address as much as I needed to, came off a SSRI about 4 years later and 6 months later hit a relapse. Been working on it ever since. The first few years were a total mess really.

    I know what you mean about getting back to some sort of normal. I'm much better than I was but it seemed to be a matter of trying & trying until bit by bit I ended up in a better place. It was all stop-start, stop-start, success then stumbling block, hit a rut, backslide a bit, lurch forward. I can understand why Dr Weekes termed it "layers" as I felt like I jumped forward as I moved into a new "stage". Some stages I got not very far, some I did. It was such a slow process as it sounds like it was for you. I'm taking it as slow as I need to this time, I rushed things the first time and paid the price for it.

    I was new to OCD back then, didn't have a clue about it so thought I was going crazy. It did help to read about it and realise it's just part of the disorder. For me it didn't so much feel that I completely believed more that I was too afraid to not agree with it and stay trapped by my behaviours that kept it going. It's one of the reasons the repetitive HAers don't bother me, when my compulsions were at their worst I spent most of my day on them and nothing changed that, I didn't know how to cope without them. It felt like a curse and I would remain like that forever. It took me ages to realise I didn't have to live like that, post CBT therapy, when I felt myself changing again. OCD, GAD, PTSD, etc they can all be so horrible when you feel like it's normal or correct to be suffering.

    I bet you have lots of experience of your own fighting this monster, especially having it so long. I wish the NHS would put it's work into kids, catching it early gives the best chance before all the ingrained thinking sets in. The same with adults really. It feels like such a false economy only getting to people later on.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

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