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Thread: 😏😏 job interview tomorrow

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    😏😏 job interview tomorrow

    Ok so my last post was a right downer looking back at it. But after loads of applying for jobs over the past few weeks I've finally bagged myself an interview for tomororw doing a job I've been wanting to do for a while, and I've finally got the opportunity to at least have a chance to do it,

    But tonight I'm feeling so anxious and I don't want this anxiety to ruin t for me.

    I've been having so many more panic attacks than usual so I don't want to go and have a panic attack there and blow my chances.

    I can't even leave the house without feeling anxious and nervous which is totally my fault as I avoid going out as much as possible recently cause home is my safe place.

    The interview is only a 10 minute drive away so would be perfect if I actually got the job (really not feeling hopeful right now)

    Anxiety ruins everything else I just really don't want it to ruin it for tomorrow.

    Tips on actually being a normal human tomorrow. ???
    Me: what could possibly go wrong????
    Anxiety: well, I'm glad you asked....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: 😏😏 job interview tomorrow

    Good luck!

    Some nerves during an interview are to be expected. One thing that helps me in these situations is to realize 1. I am interviewing them at the same time they are interviewing me and it's also my place to decide if they are right for me (and not just look at it as them holding all the cards) and 2. that I haven't lost anything if I don't get it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: 😏😏 job interview tomorrow

    Good luck with the job interview!

    Employers/interviewers expect applicants to be nervous, it's perfectly natural. So, if you have a wobble of confident or get stuck, don't panic about it being a failire because they will understand it and take more from you coming back from it and getting the rest of the interview done.

    And what is the worst case scenario? If a panic did happen and you didn't get the job, there will be more jobs and more chances. It doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing.

    Take your time. Try to clear your mind outside the room (even focussing on something on the wall can help for a few minutes) and remember they are just people, nothing more, they aren't perfect either (for all your know you could be interviewed by a panic/anxiety sufferer ).

    Good luck!
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: 😏😏 job interview tomorrow

    Good luck! Only suggestions are to sip water (it gives you a few seconds extra thinking time plus sipping is calming for some reason). Avoid coffee. If your mind goes blank on a question it is fine to say "can I come back to that" and then do later on or at the end when they say, "any questions". If it makes you feel any better I once had a panic attack in an interview and still got the job! One of the interviewers got me a mint and the other some water (this was years ago and they'd stuck me in a room with a giant pot of coffee and 8 other candidates for several hours, which I now know is not the best for my anxiety. lol). Best of luck! x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: 😏😏 job interview tomorrow

    Good luck and fingers crossed. Im really sad because I actually enjoy interviews. Im still nervous but I see an interview as an opportunity to brag about what I know and then grill them about things I don't. Try and turn it around so your doing the interviewing, as much as you want the job, you want the job for the right reasons which only you know! Also I find the more you talk, the less time they have to ask questions and there's a good chance you will have already answered their questions. Be postitive xx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: 😏😏 job interview tomorrow

    Quote Originally Posted by Blonde123 View Post
    Good luck and fingers crossed. Im really sad because I actually enjoy interviews. Im still nervous but I see an interview as an opportunity to brag about what I know and then grill them about things I don't. Try and turn it around so your doing the interviewing, as much as you want the job, you want the job for the right reasons which only you know! Also I find the more you talk, the less time they have to ask questions and there's a good chance you will have already answered their questions. Be postitive xx
    That's not sad - I always wished I felt more like that about interviews. Good on you. Great advice x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Re: 😏😏 job interview tomorrow

    First of all, good luck on the interview and well done for getting it.

    One thing that always helps me in interviews is knowing that there is only so much I can control. The only things that are truly in my court-are preparation and presentation. If I've researched the company and the role, prepared test questions and answers, have questions to ask them, and I've also turned up my most presentable, I've done all that I can reasonably be expected to do.

    So long as I convey that level of preparation at interview, I have as good a shot as anyone. Beyond that, there's nothing else I can truly control. I can't control how they respond to me, if they like me or not. I can't control if another candidate is a better fit for the company than me.

    I feel like knowing that there really is only so much you have control over takes away the pressure a little bit. Remember, they're interviewing you because they think you can do the job. The interview is more about establishing if you would be a good fit for the company.

    Nerves are normal, and to be expected. Most interviewers make allowances for nerves. Nerves can also indicate that you care which is far better than someone sitting there with a IDGAF attitude.

    Drink plenty of water, avoid caffeine. Deep breaths, and just treat it like a conversation. You're trying to find out if they're a good fit for you as well as them trying to find out if you're a good fit for them. It's a two-way street, and they don't hold all the cards.

    The worst thing that can happen is that you don't get the job. In which case, you're no worse off than before. But you will have the experience, and something to learn from should that happen.

    Good luck, and you will do brilliant.
    Don't ever tame your demons, but keep them on a leash.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Re: 😏😏 job interview tomorrow

    Thanks for the replies everyone.

    Don't know why I was so nervous! There were 8 people being interviewed me being the first one for 2 job slots.... I nailed the interview and got the job on the spot. Yay!!!!!

    Thank you all again
    Me: what could possibly go wrong????
    Anxiety: well, I'm glad you asked....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: 😏😏 job interview tomorrow

    fabulous news!! well done x

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: 😏😏 job interview tomorrow

    Brilliant news!!!

    Sounds liked you aced it.

    And I hope this gives you a confidence boost because you pushed right out of your comfort zone into a difficult social situation. More evidence for the future that you are stronger than you may feel.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

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