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Thread: Sex drive with dose increase

  1. #1

    Sex drive with dose increase

    I am on 20mg a day for 2 months and my anxiety has reduced.

    My sex drive has decreased but not as bad as when I took fluoxetine 5 years ago. I am however still feeling very depressed and have no motivation to do anything.

    My doctor suggested increasing the dose but warned me side affects would be worst.

    Has anyone noticed sex drive getting much worst after a dose increase?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Sex drive with dose increase

    Quote Originally Posted by worriedsoul View Post
    Has anyone noticed sex drive getting much worst after a dose increase?
    Increasing the dose will probably have an impact on the libido, but how much is impossible to say. You should discuss this with your GP. As I understand it, NHS policies prevent GPs also prescribing most of the meds such as buproprion (Wellbutrin), buspirone (Buspar), mianserin (Bolvidon) and ondansetron (Zofran) which can reduce SSRI induced sexual dysfunction with fluoxetine, but s/he might be able to prescribe a small dose of mirtazapine (Remeron). It is apparently not as effective as the related mianserin, but might be enough to make a difference. Try 15mg initially. It typically takes 3-4 weeks to get the maximum response.

    Ginkgo biloba at 240mg/day taken in two divided dose of 120mg has been shown to reverse anorgasmia (inability to orgasm) and decreased libido in both men and women, plus erectile failure in men. Dosage should be increased from an initial 2 x 30mg/day by a similar amount every 5-7 days. Note: it should not be used by those on anticoagulants or with a known allergy to Ginkgo. Some antidepressants, particularly the SSRIs and SNRIs, also some TCAs, also inhibit blood coagulation so caution is needed. Discontinue the gingko if you become more prone to bruising, or if you experience nose, or gum bleeding! Don't take ginkgo, or any other supplement, without first discussing its suitability and safety with your doctor or pharmacist.

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