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Thread: Going back to work with really mean coworkers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Going back to work with really mean coworkers

    Summer last year i got my first ever job working at a shoe shop, the actual job i really enjoyed but the people there were horrible. I'm going back to work there this summer because its pretty good money and i dont have time to be searching for another job, I'm moving away soon for a year abroad studying!

    Everyone there were so b*tchy, they were all pretty young ages 16-21 and they acted like teenagers, they would always talk about other co wokers behind their backs in the stock room and some spoke to me like they despised me, one girl really had it out for me and talked to me like i was the scum of the earth, she even talked to me like I was a child who'd done something bad.

    I'd never had a job before and obviously messed things up so I got told off a lot.

    I'm incredibly shy and awkward and I find it pretty hard to make friends, especially with people like that, I think people like that sniff out shy people so they can be cruel to them.

    What can I do? do i just have to suck it up and accept that people are gonna be mean to me? or is there anything I can actually change to make these people not be like that?
    My boyfriend (who's a very confident and loud, outspoken person) told me to just throw a shoe at anyone who's mean to me but obviously I can't do that.

    Please help I'm dreading it

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Going back to work with really mean coworkers

    Is there anyway you could change jobs? I have severe social anxiety myself and couldn't work like that. Would you dare say anything to them? What about your boss or manager?

    Not all jobs will be like this and their age is probably the reason for it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    Re: Going back to work with really mean coworkers

    Tell them to get lost or worse. They won't expect it. You'll only be standing up for yourself. Its a shame because you really love the work and being there. Who's more important than you? They don't care anyway so no use worrying about hurting their feelings. Sounds harsh I know.

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