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Thread: Copper iud

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Copper iud

    Hi all, I havent posted here for some time as my ha has been under control, feel so much better, my only nagging doubt is I had a copper IUD fitted 16 months ago and since having it I have had a lot of spotting, I have more days spotting than not, now I know deep down it is the IUD causing it but I am to scared to go to the drs in case its something serious, I have read that the copper IUD causes inflammation in the uterus which causes the spotting and heavy periods, I have tried a few herbal remedies but they don't seem to work maybe I don't give them long enough, I fimnd ibuprofen seems to lessen it but I don't want to keep taking pain killers, so if anyone has any advice it would be appreciated. Thanx Herbie xxx

  2. #2

    Re: Copper iud

    Hi Herbie73, I had a copper iud for 5 years and just had it out in November as it was causing prolonged bleeding spotting before and after period so basically 11 days each month. When I got my iud in it also caused my period to be heavier, you shouldn't need to take pain killers unless your in pain. I would just go back to the doctors and explain what is happening to you, it is very normal for spotting with iud's, and just to put your mind at ease if your feeling uncomfortabl down there ask for them to do a swab or if your due your smear have that done too. With my personal experience I wouldn't have another one put in it caused me more anxiety even now that it's out in saying that my period are back to normal. hope that helps a little xx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Re: Copper iud

    I'm the same as Box of Chocolates, had mine taken out in December due to lots of spoting and the pain. When I had my initial meeting at the sexual health clinic to discuss removing it they offered to put me on the pill as well to control the pain and lengthy menstruation. I never found that anything would reduce the bleeding, Hot water bottles helped with the pain though. As Box of Chocolates said you shouldn't take painkillers unless you're in pain, especially ibuprofen as that can cause an upset stomach. Hope you get sorted soon x

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