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Thread: check in thread for september 21st

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    check in thread for september 21st

    morning all- how is everyone?

    well, i got the date ritght for once. lol.

    for the last few days, i've been writing in october, then realising it's september and reediting my title (but that's what lack of sleep does to you, or at least to me, confuses my days)

    anyway did the right thing yesterday by avoiding downton abby.. i was just too anxious to watch it. just listened to the new shinedown album which is not bad at all- well i even made a thread about it... it's probably going to be the in thing until something else comes out i want, then i'll get that. usually the case for me, i'll overplay something when it comes out- then something new comes out and i'll overplay that, and forget about what ever it was i liked previously

    seems like it might rain today (sky is greyer than yesterday), so let's hope it does. i love the rain, it sounds so good.

    no emmerdale today, since i usually watch the repeat from the previous episode and their was none on friday (obviously because of the rugby world cup). i should probably check the emmerdale skedule for this week, to see if the rugby is affecting any of ity

    for dinner i'm having the same as yesterday, as i still have left over chicken nuggets. hoping not to overeat so much today, because i did that a lot yesterday, 1 of those things i suppose

    no other plans, (well obviously. my life is so exciting. lol)

    have a good day all


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Re: check in thread for september 21st

    Good morning emily!

    My head has been all over the place for the past few days so I wouldn't have even noticed re: the date!

    Dare I say it, I think I may be having a better day today - I have had a couple of slices of toast and a cup of coffee. I think I may even ask my hubby to drive me to my friends for a chat early afternoon.

    Laid in bed at moment still watching Jeremy Kyle (more for the comedy factor than anything else) but planning on drying to drag myself up very soon. I'm just soooo tired - was wide awake at 5am but did manage to get back to sleep.

    Pork loin steaks for tea with mash, veg and yorkies

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Re: check in thread for september 21st

    Quote Originally Posted by Torimori View Post
    Good morning emily!

    My head has been all over the place for the past few days so I wouldn't have even noticed re: the date!

    Dare I say it, I think I may be having a better day today - I have had a couple of slices of toast and a cup of coffee. I think I may even ask my hubby to drive me to my friends for a chat early afternoon.

    Laid in bed at moment still watching Jeremy Kyle (more for the comedy factor than anything else) but planning on drying to drag myself up very soon. I'm just soooo tired - was wide awake at 5am but did manage to get back to sleep.

    Pork loin steaks for tea with mash, veg and yorkies

    i'm not sure anyone would watch jerimy for the actual guests... i've seen a few of them- and it always seems the same to me!. i agree though it can be funny, he has his way of putting across his points.

    mmm, yorkies are delicious!. enjoy them. envious now. i do love those.. it's my online grocery shopping day wednesday, and guess what you're making me order now (it's your fault. all your fault!)

    it's great you got some sleep. i didn't. not even rest


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Re: check in thread for september 21st

    Yes definitely - some interesting characters.

    I'm sure I could live on Yorkshire puddings forever!!!! We tend to make them fresh and then freeze half of them for the next time. My hubby is in charge of the yorkies though

    Haha - sorry for putting the thought in there for you!

  5. #5

    Re: check in thread for september 21st


    I've never posted in one of these before..

    Today hasn't been great for me today so far - woke up anxious (have been anxious non-stop the past two weeks) and went to the GP to see if he can put me on Citalopram (Sertraline didn't settle).. He said no.. He can't prescribe me anything as I'm 16 and Sertraline was the only option.

    Being referred to a psychotherapist and my therapist is coming over today at 2pm to have a chat.

    Seeing my boyfriend this evening, which is great!

    Haven't really got an appetite either which sucks...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Re: check in thread for september 21st

    Been to the docs this morning. I'm supposed to be having a scan but apparently the scanner is broken.So now I will be anxious about the results for even longer.

    Not a happy bunny today. :(

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: check in thread for september 21st

    I really don't understand why they don't send you to a different hospital for the scan? Is it a really high tech scanner that's only available at a few sites across the country?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Re: check in thread for september 21st

    Quote Originally Posted by Binkiexo View Post

    I've never posted in one of these before..

    Today hasn't been great for me today so far - woke up anxious (have been anxious non-stop the past two weeks) and went to the GP to see if he can put me on Citalopram (Sertraline didn't settle).. He said no.. He can't prescribe me anything as I'm 16 and Sertraline was the only option.

    Being referred to a psychotherapist and my therapist is coming over today at 2pm to have a chat.

    Seeing my boyfriend this evening, which is great!

    Haven't really got an appetite either which sucks...
    I'm still very anxious too big putting it down to starting sertraline recently. Can I ask why you felt it didn't work for you? I think it's pretty bad there's nothing else your GP is able to prescribe you - can you get a second opinion?

    It's good that you have the psychotherapist to speak with and in sending you positive thoughts for a great chat this afternoon.

    Keep looking forward to seeing your boyfriend this pm - it's always good to have a good suppor network too.

    I know what you mean about eating - I've not touched an awful lot all week but just try little and often if you can.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: check in thread for september 21st

    23tana, you have been through it all with getting these scans, haven't you? Hope they settle it soon..

    Woke up a bit anxious this morning and just did NOT want to get out of bed. Thought about calling out, but thought it through and figured I'd feel worse if I did call out and sat around all day. I also want to save my very limited sick time for winter and flu season.

    I am feeling more down this week, also that time of the month so thinking it's partly that. Monday is always Monday though. Here's to getting Monday out of the way!

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