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Thread: meds or not?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    I've been having P & A since x-mas 2005 and have so far managed to stay off meds except stelazine which i only take as and when i need them, i'm so scared of side affects that it puts me right off!!!


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    I'm currently on beta-blockers which i find has helped me a lot with the 'racing heart symtom'. My doctor does'nt want me to go on any other meds because i've managed to avoid them for over 2 years now, i'm waiting to see a CBT counsellor now. Although to be honest i would'nt want to go on any other meds as i think it masks a lot of problems - but like a lot of people here it really is up to the individual.

    Take care.

    Marie XXX

  3. #13
    I was on Paxil for 2 months. It didn't agree with me one bit. I had terrible side effects from it. It took about 2 weeks to taper off before I could stop completely. It gave me terrible withdrawals, I would never do it again! More recently I have been taking a low dose of Ativan as needed when I feel the symptoms begin. However, I am going through CBT and trying to discontinue the ativan as well. It really helps me in a tough situation, and it doesn't give the effect of an SSRI. I hear that they can be addicting, like Xanax, but I have not had a problem, as I have never had an addictive personality. If you feel you would like to try meds, there is nothing wrong with that, but it may take multiple attempts to get the medication and dosage right. Don't get discouraged, I've known people who have been very successful on meds. Good luck!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    , , Australia.
    I went 2 yrs without meds before I gave in and went on em. wish I had done it at the start. They make life so much better

    Don't believe everything you think.

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