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Thread: Racing heart before/during masturbation

  1. #1

    Racing heart before/during masturbation

    I'm rather embarrassed to be writing about this even though I'm anonymous in the forum.

    I've always had a high sex drive from when I was 16 or 17 years old. I had masturbated frequently since I've always had social anxiety and haven't been sexually active very much with a partner. My frequency became less over the winter for various non-health reasons, including the idea that at my age (36) I should be sharing orgasms with another person instead of wasting time on myself.

    Since my anxiety attacks began earlier this year, I reached a point that my masturbatory sessions are rare, perhaps once or twice a month. It seems that when I get to the point of feeling pent up with the urge of satisfy myself, the excited feeling that I get is enough to set off my anxiety. The act of masturbating has also gotten to be an endurance test since I get a fast, amplified heartbeat (not an irregular one, but fast and distinct) and the anxiety that grows as I'm doing it often causes me to lose my erection. I do ejaculate in large amounts from the stimulation but I don't find this enjoyable at all.

    Today, I masturbated but had to fight off an anxiety attack right before it. The thought of masturbating set in last night but I tried to put it out of my mind because I knew the trouble I was in for. This morning, though, I came back home from an errand feeling very aroused from the thoughts of the prior night. My heart sped up and I began having palpitations before I even got underway so I spent about 15 minutes trying to calm myself down and telling myself that I don't have to do it.

    A conflict was going on in my mind. I was afraid that if I didn't masturbate, I would have repeated surges of the urge to but if I did, I was afraid it would be too much for my system, particularly my heart, to deal with. That it might be what finally kills me.

    I'm sorry for the lurid details, but I decided to fight through it as much as I could and masturbated. My heart sped up even further and I ended up ejaculating heavily with a soft penis, probably because I was too excited and hadn't done it in so long. Afterwards, my nerves and heart rate settled down and I was back to normal.

    I'm posting here because I'm not aware if other men with anxiety issues have experienced the same thing. I do know that I find it a frightening experience when it's supposed to be pleasurable. I'm afraid of doing great damage to myself while my body can only go so long without this outlet. I've always found it a needed release. But nowadays instead of feeling pleased, I feel like I've overcome something than can kill me.

    I should mention that I was given a physical and EKG two months ago and was told that everything's fine. But doctors do miss things, as much as I respect their judgement. I am not on meds at present. My mother had anxiety issues that were apparently passed down to me. Thanks for reading.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Racing heart before/during masturbation

    Erm not sure should answer this but when you say heart rate fast, how fast

  3. #3

    Re: Racing heart before/during masturbation

    Quote Originally Posted by AlexandriaUK View Post
    Erm not sure should answer this but when you say heart rate fast, how fast
    My pulse is usually in the 65-75 range at rest, so it must be well over 100. I honestly can't give an exact number but it's very rapid. I should add that I don't feel dizzy or in any kind of pain.

    EDIT: Thinking back on the speed, I estimate that it was about 120-130, which isn't extremely fast but it really frightens me. Whenever I get an accelerated heart rate, I really, really feel it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Racing heart before/during masturbation

    I would say that if you are focused on your HB then you are anxious which will increase your heart rate any way, check It next time but if your guesstimate is correct that's not fast especialy as you are not fit any way

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Racing heart before/during masturbation

    Any form of sexual arousal will result in a fast heart rate. Sounds as if you've just never focused on it before your anxiety kicked in this year. Health anxiety in particular, once in its grip, will make you aware of bodily sensations and then you'll worry about them thinking they are new feelings...they're not new, they've always happened in response to stimulation of any kind. Your awareness is now probably making your heart even more sensitive.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Racing heart before/during masturbation

    Well put

  7. #7

    Re: Racing heart before/during masturbation

    Thanks for your replies and your understanding. This stuff seems to interfere with everything I do even though I've done a lot to get it under control. I'm just thankful that in this case I'm not married or in a relationship because it would probably be hell for my partner.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: Racing heart before/during masturbation

    Can you imagine having tachycardia and being in the hospital then getting out and worrying about the same thing? Most women and some men don't realize that if men that have good testosterone levels go without sex for awhile say a month or so..start hurting in that area.. for some reason.. and either have to have sex or masturbate.. or be in pain and a constant state of arousal and pain...i would have to go with "i still believe' on this one.. its just that you are anticipating it making it far worse than it is....or could be.. try it one time and just bite the bullet and refuse to think or worry about fast heart beat and im pretty sure it will pass..

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