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Thread: GP won't prescribe me pregabalin.

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: GP won't prescribe me pregabalin.

    An interesting article on the cost of pregabalin and effect on prescribing -

    Any doctor can write a private prescription. They just don't use their NHS prescription forms, or cross out the NHS bit.

    I found a price of around 80 GBP for 56 x 300 mg Lyrica, If you took one per day (single dose per day not recommended, but would save money), it would cost about 1.43 GBP per day. (The following is for information purposes only - not to be taken as a recommendation or endorsement).

    Nevertheless, since pregabalin is NHS licensed for anxiety, your doctor would almost certainly be duty-bound to write out an NHS prescription.

  2. #12

    Re: GP won't prescribe me pregabalin.

    Quote Originally Posted by hanshan View Post
    An interesting article on the cost of pregabalin and effect on prescribing -

    Any doctor can write a private prescription. They just don't use their NHS prescription forms, or cross out the NHS bit.

    I found a price of around 80 GBP for 56 x 300 mg Lyrica, If you took one per day (single dose per day not recommended, but would save money), it would cost about 1.43 GBP per day. (The following is for information purposes only - not to be taken as a recommendation or endorsement).

    Nevertheless, since pregabalin is NHS licensed for anxiety, your doctor would almost certainly be duty-bound to write out an NHS prescription.
    Yeah I seen a similar article a few days ago. The NHS is ridiculously under funded and things like mental health aren't being dealt with properly. I spoke to my mum today and she urged me to email my doctor so I did. Just sent him all the documents I have found on here, many of them the ones you had posted on that other thread. I had found that thread a couple days ago and been looking through all the NHS articles. Shame that something that could help is so close yet so far away. Thanks for your info

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: GP won't prescribe me pregabalin.

    Albert - that's truly disgusting to charge £200 per month, the cost per month was around £64 to local trusts in 2012 and it can't have increased anywhere near that much. Sounds like an unscrupulous GP exploiting desperate people to me!

    Hanshan - NHS Scotland is a separate entity so are your links for them or NHS England & Wales?

    Heather - it sounds like a good idea to take your mum because he may find if harder to blag someone who is struggling with anxiety.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: GP won't prescribe me pregabalin.

    Hello Terry,

    The link to treatments for GAD is NHS England. I don't know if Scotland approves separate treatments for GAD.

    The link to the "Pulse" newspaper is nonspecific UK. You would need to read in any article in the Pulse to see if it was specifically locally relevant - the main point was that cost factors were driving whether pregabalin was prescribed or not in at least one location at one time.

    The online pharmacy is located in the UK and presumably can fill prescriptions from anywhere in the UK.

    In principle, doctors are able to write private prescriptions outside of subsidizing and licensing agencies like the NHS (and the patient bears the full cost). The fine detail varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. This principle holds true in Australia, even though we have different laws governing it for each of the six states and two territories.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: GP won't prescribe me pregabalin.

    Hi Heather,

    No I'm in London

    But I'm guessing NHS Scotland has similar guidance etc. to NHS E&W

    I like the NHS in many ways, but I deeply dislike the way it abuses its monopoly and resolutely refuses to treat taxpayers as customers. You are ill, and have paid into this system, and have the right to be treated properly.

    Good luck with it


  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: GP won't prescribe me pregabalin.

    I think the only reason they don't orescribe is cost. Which is so wrong if you've tried almost everything which it sounds like you have why not try it?

    I was Lucky I had tried most anti ds and most I had to stop within days of starting as got severe side effects and like you ive had cbt ect.

    She said try these and I'd never heard of them till I posted on here. They seem to work really well for most people on here. They are helping me slightly but not enough.

  7. #17

    Re: GP won't prescribe me pregabalin.

    Quote Originally Posted by Avasmummy_x View Post
    I think the only reason they don't orescribe is cost. Which is so wrong if you've tried almost everything which it sounds like you have why not try it?

    I was Lucky I had tried most anti ds and most I had to stop within days of starting as got severe side effects and like you ive had cbt ect.

    She said try these and I'd never heard of them till I posted on here. They seem to work really well for most people on here. They are helping me slightly but not enough.
    I know, I just don't get it. I've paid NI and tax in this country and now that I want to use what this money goes toward, I cannot get it. BLAH!

    Yeah I've been told never to go on SSRI's again and I am too terrified to try SNRI's as they are similar in the side effects. I guess I just need to keep trying to fight my case, at the end of the day I have nothing to lose.

    How long have you been on pregabalin and what dose? I hope it continues to improve for you

    ---------- Post added at 19:17 ---------- Previous post was at 19:14 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by SmilingAlbert View Post
    Hi Heather,

    No I'm in London

    But I'm guessing NHS Scotland has similar guidance etc. to NHS E&W

    I like the NHS in many ways, but I deeply dislike the way it abuses its monopoly and resolutely refuses to treat taxpayers as customers. You are ill, and have paid into this system, and have the right to be treated properly.

    Good luck with it

    Yes I agree, I feel so lucky we have the NHS when you compare to the likes of America but it definitely has its flaws.

    My mum works for the NHS and I was asking her about NICE. As NICE say that pregabalin can be used to treat anxiety, but these guidelines are for England and Wales. She said that they strictly follow these guidelines in Scotland too so she is adamant the doctor doesn't want to prescribe it due to cost.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: GP won't prescribe me pregabalin.

    Been googling around on this.

    It seems it was never approved in Scotland for GAD (unlike in E&W), which may be the issue. That said, it seems it has been prescribed for this reason, leading to concerns re cost and even abuse:

    I'm no expert, but I guess Glasgow like all large cities has drug problems, including the abuse of prescr drugs like this. It could be this is weighing on his mind a bit, but that is of course only a guess.

    Gabapentin is a cheaper and less sophisticated version of Preg. If you really can't get preg, it might be worth trying to get this instead.

    I feel very sorry for you; I always think how luck you Scots are having free prescriptions etc., but clearly there is rough with the smooth.

    My quote for £200 was from a private hospital, which was clearly over the top.

    It seems you can get it online (with a private prescription) for £85 per month for 150mg. This is less than £200, but will really add up. If it works, you will need to be on it for at least 6 months, possibly a lot longer.

    I still think you need to find a new NHS doctor.


  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: GP won't prescribe me pregabalin.

    I'm currently on 400mg a day broken in to three doses.

    Ive been on it since November so it should be working a lot more than it is really.

    Most on here got instant relief and it's just been perfect for them.
    It's very up and down for me I'm having good days with mild anxiety then days that can only be described as the worst days in my life. I think I may need a dose increase.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Re: GP won't prescribe me pregabalin.

    I have been told to stop it for a week. My eyesight has been getting more blurry as the days pass, and my stomach bloated out and wouldn't go back down. Been in a foul mood all day today which I suspect is my body missing it, however my vision is improving and the bloating has eased. I have to say that although my mood has been terrible, I actually feel normal today, and like I have feelings, which I havent felt for a while so not sure if I might just get some CBT books and try things that way for a while.

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