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Thread: A lady of a certain age!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    A lady of a certain age!

    I'm after some opinions on this if any of you lovely ladies can help?
    I'm 41 (just!!!) and I would say for the last 5 or 6 months I've been to put it mildly very hormonal, in that I snap at anything or anyone (at home) and little things that wouldn't have previously bothered tend to get on my nerves and irritate me within seconds.
    I was and had been fine for 3 yrs previously and had tapered down my citalopram from 20mg to giving them up completely at the start of September, I was so proud of myself. A couple of weeks later BOOM anxiety hit hard, trouble is nothing had been bothering me I had been happy and upbeat. Docs ran some tests for thyroid and it had shown I was overactive, the symptoms could have been attributed to this but he also thought it was the come down from citalopram. Anyway he put me back on them at 10mg and prescribed propranolol 40mg for the palpitations and rapid heart rate. Forward a couple of weeks and I'm feeling fine again and another blood test at the end of Nov showed my thyroid levels were back to normal, except for the thyroid antibodies which were very high which makes me auto immune although no meds are required just yet.
    January came and since then I've been up and down like a yo yo, but oddly since then my periods have become erratic with constant brown spotting. I've had an abdominal u/s which was fine and the doc did a quick internal which looked fine so I'm not concerned about that.
    I'm wondering if it could be an anxiety related thing or more likely a hormonal imbalance of sorts which could be because of my age? I realise nobody on here can diagnose as I can't but was wondering if it's quite a common thing? Menopause runs late in my family around 55 to 60 so the doc doesn't think it's that. Is there such a thing as a hormone test? My sister (who is 46) had the Mirina Coil fitted 4 yrs ago and has said it helped her mood swings.
    I guess I'd like to know if any of you have any experience of this and whether or not you have gone back on the pill or had a coil to settle things.
    I'm not keen on being back on the citalopram again and I'm not even sure it's having the desired effect.
    Thank you in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: A lady of a certain age!

    Yes it could very well be hormonal and yes hormones levels can be checked with blood tests.You say the doctor doesn't think it is that but you do seem to have some of the symptoms of peri-menopause. I would speak to your doctor again and tell him about your mood swings and any other symptoms.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Re: A lady of a certain age!

    Thank you Annie, I will pop in at some point and ask to be tested.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: A lady of a certain age!


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