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Thread: do diazepam make you feel stoned?

  1. #1

    do diazepam make you feel stoned?

    hey guys have just been given these by my doctor to take for over the weekend
    he has only given me 2mg but i have a massive fear of feeling stoned and spacey and not in my own mind or body. so i am very scared of taking these as my doc said they make me feel sedated. please guys i am already very anxious and if i were to take 1 and it made me feel funny i think id end up at a&e lol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: do diazepam make you feel stoned?

    Nope nothing like that - just relaxed

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: do diazepam make you feel stoned?

    I can honestly say 2mg of diaz will not make you feel stoned
    It will just slightly relax you, you will still be in total control of your mind and body. I have been on 12mg a day for 7 months but I am slowly reducing as my anx/panic improves. I function really well, go to work and I am totally with it (although perhaps a little more tired) Please don't worry, 2mg is such a low'll be fine!

    "Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: do diazepam make you feel stoned?

    I have taken Diazepam in the past for short periods of time and they just make you feel "normal", you, only without the anxiety.
    2mg is a very low dose and it should not cause you any negative side effects.
    Every blessed day we wake up to the fullness of pristine purity and innocense free from the pain of the past and fear of the future. 'Carlos Santana'


  5. #5

    Re: do diazepam make you feel stoned?

    thx so much guys..i just worry cos i am hyper sensitive to tablets and they seem to hit me 10x more than the ordinary human lol! i took a codeine once and nearly ended up in a&e it freaked me out that much.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: do diazepam make you feel stoned?

    Me too....I am very tablet phobic, had some mega bad reactions in the past....but diaz is very 'gentle' you will be fine. Good luck. Kitti
    "Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Re: do diazepam make you feel stoned?

    Seeeeeee I told u nothing to stress over! & even if u did stress over it the diazepam would calm u down anyway hehe.
    U will be amazed at how much better u feel trust me.
    Night hun x

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: do diazepam make you feel stoned?

    i allso think about this

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: do diazepam make you feel stoned?

    I'm scared of the stoned feeling too, but even on higher doses (15mg) I have never felt stoned (or even particularly sedated) on them. In fact, for me, they stop that feeling of unreality and make me feel back to normal again. I suppose this is part of the reason why they're so addictive to some people, because it makes the anxiety and all the related symptoms like unreality go away.

    That's my experience anyway. Use them sparingly I have been using them on an as-needed basis for years and they have been a lifesaver for me.

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