Hi all, this is probably a weird one that I'm overthinking but I thought I'd ask anyway. I've been dealing with GAD, panic and depression for about two months now. It's been a tough slug of it but I think I'm starting to see the other side after a trip to the ER, starting Cipralex four weeks ago tomorrow (bumped up to 20 mg a week ago) and trips to several doctors. It started with the fear that I was going to die of a heart attack, then a stroke, then a brain aneurysm (sparked by the sudden death of a friend of mine when I was 15), and while now I'm not worried about any particular disease I'm still worried about my brain.

About two weeks ago, when I was still panicking about the aneurysm, I had a tingly feeling in my head and to distract myself from it I started consciously thinking about everything, like sort of over-narrating in my head (like "those are some pink and white flowers in my mum and dad's wedding photo!" stupid stuff NOBODY does lol) and it worked to get rid of the tingling and panic about that but it started me constantly thinking about thinking and doing that. It was irritating but manageable. Now I'm feeling much more calm than I was, not panicky anymore, but I am worried about the fact that about a week ago it started to become a lot of effort to do that. It's like I can't hear that internal dialogue anymore and there's nothing in my head? I can't fully form out sentences just thinking about them in my head anymore (talking, writing and everything else is perfectly fine, able to do schoolwork and whatnot). I'm starting to be able to imagine and daydream again but it's like that internal dialogue is gone... things come to me as just little pops of ideas, not fully formed things, and it's like I can't hear my own voice in my head anymore, except when I read. It's very odd. Then again, I never paid attention to how I thought before and neurologically everything else seems fine with me, it's just this...

Reading this back this message seems a little crazy lol, but has anyone else experienced this either with their anxiety or starting anti-depressants? I found one post describing exactly this on Yahoo Answers and a lot of posts saying the drugs left people blank minded. I'm probably just overthinking in this situation and need to calm down but just putting this out there... Nice thing is I can tell you all that Cipralex has worked well for me and I'm starting to be more normal again, other than a little lack of motivation (but I've been sitting around the house for two months balled up on the couch so I suppose that's natural :P)