Hey all,

I know I have not posted on here much but felt I not have something to share. My panic attacks reached a peak last April. I had suffered for many years but I had a mini breakdown last year due to all the problems with anxiety. I had to leave my job and could barely leave the house. Fortunately I had someone who was willing to take me on with the problems I was experiencing and due to our whacking mortgage (new homeowners too) I could not stay housebound. In October 08 I started EMDR and I have to tell you the amazing results this has had on my life. Don't get me wrong things are not completely rosey but I have been able to recently put an application into college and start thinking about my future again. I know some people do not benefit from this or are a bit sceptical but it has truely transformed my life. I am starting to live again.

I have also found I have had someone to explain things to me in a language I can understand. I had many questions that could not be answered until I started with my EMDR therapist. I do believe that a little knowledge about what is happening to me and why it is happening has helped me on my way.

I first went to the doctor about it and I wasn't in 5 minutes when he had put a prescription for anti depressants in my hand and labelled me as mentally ill. I saw another 3 doctors and had to fight with them not to put that statement in my notes. I am hoping to become a Primary School Teacher, could you imagine the phrase "mentally unstable" ever rearing it's head. I now have no faith in GPs but i honestly would not have come so far without the EMDR therapist.

I know I have prattled on but just wanted to share that with you all and to let you know there is hope for us all out there. It's just a matter of finding what works for you.

Take care

PS f anyone has any questions about my EMDR sessions I would be happy to share. Just PM me.