I’m currently 2.5 weeks on Prozac/fluoxetine. First week or so was sheer hell in terms of increased anxiety. Had a couple of good days at the start of this week but suddenly have been hit with severe dizziness/light head. It feels like my whole brain is swimming. I’m feeling jittery and weak too, and have bad nausea but I haven’t been sick yet.

Went to out of hours GP last night and was told my temperature, blood sugar, blood pressure and urine were all fine. Is it normal to get these symptoms suddenly (and for two full days so far)? It feels so bad that I keep thinking something dangerous is happening to me. Struggling to accept that I may actually have a bug/flu as it just seems too coincidental.

Any insight would be welcomed! And any tips on how to reduce the dizziness - water and rehydration sachets don’t seem to be working.