Hello, as a background, I've always had HA since a traumatic event of my mom's best friend passing away from a stroke when I was a child.

This most recent one is about possibly being exposed to Amphibole type of asbestos (the deadliest one that stays in your body longer and are finer/sharper) back in late 2021 when I did new insulation install in an attic with Zonolite Vermeculite. I didn't know it at the time but at least I had a full on respirator on, stepped on the trusses to get around in the attic and lay down new pink fiberglass insulation on top of the Vermiculite (house attic was maybe up to 30 feet long and 20 feet wide give or take) but after I was done working in the attic, I took a few or so old bags of the Zonolite Vermeculite and bagged them in a garbage bag but when I was bagging the old Zonolite bags, I had my respirator off already. Zonolite Vermeculite contains tremolite, winchite, and richterite fibers with trace amounts of magnesioriebeckite, edenite, and magnesio-arfvedsonite or otherwise just amphibole asbestos as they came from the asbestos contaminated mine in Libby Montana, US.

My biggest worry is that this is the deadliest form of asbestos and I cannot find reassurance that it's possible to inhale some amphibole asbestos without a guaranteed death sentence of lung cancer, mesothelioma or some asbestos type of disease. I am talking about Amphibole Asbestos only and not the 95% more common serpentine asbestos.

Has anyone accidentally inhaled amphibole asbestos or Zonolite Vermeculite decades ago but turned out fine?

I found studies saying that asbestos exposure doesn't mean you'll get asbestos related illness even for those working with asbestos on a daily basis decades ago and that a lot of people actually inhale background level asbestos but I have NOT found a study saying or specifically mentioning amphibole asbestos.

Thank you for reading.