Hi all, not been here for a long time. I'm curious to know if others get this same symptom. I have had ectopics on and off for years, still get occasional ones (and yes, they still scare me silly although I've been thoroughly checked out and nothing has been found of note), am taking flecainide which really helps prevent them.
I've know that alcohol and certain foods can cause palpitations, but does this mean the palpitations happen straight away? I've noticed that if I eat too many spicy things or sugary things (guilty of toffee popcorn last night!), especially if I have wine too, then I wake up an hour or so after going to bed with my heart thumping like crazy - uncomfortable and scary. I've heard about GERD, and I know if I have some indigestion remedy when I wake up, it does help. Just wondering really if the delay in the symptoms means it's really due to the food/drink or something else? Interested to hear anyone's opinions and/or experiences please