mozzie2.jpgI was petting Mozzie earlier tonight and I was running my hand down his side to his back leg, on the "thigh?" area I felt a soft under the skin lump, I am like what now, A long time ago I was doing research on my dog and found that under the skin lumps can sometimes be cancer and that when cats and dogs get shots, it can become a sarcoma, so now my mind is thinking , is that here he got his rabies shot, my husband doesn't remember as he took Mozzie to get his shots and they took Mozzie to a back room while my husband waited, I am freaking out, he is fine, eating , running getting into everything, I am calling the vet on Tuesday as they are closed Monday, and see if I can't get him in and have them check it out. I know it could be nothing it might even be a bulbus from his rabies's already been a rough year for me and I don't know if I can take anymore.