Hi All! Last week my doctor diagnosed me with POTS. I'd had some noticeable racing heart rates when standing up, so she tested me for it and it was pretty definitive (from 76 bpm to 128 when I stood up from laying down). She's pretty sure that's all that's going on, but she also ordered me a heart monitor for 7 days. It should come in the next few days. The company mails it to me, I put it on for a week, I send it back, and then I guess she goes over the results with me.

I know a lot of people on here have done these. I'm not particularly worried they'll find anything. I've had EKGs recently just for my annual visit in August and also after this POTS test the other day and everything else seemed normal. But, it seems like having the monitor on will make me so much more aware of my heart all week! And that in turn will make it wacky. I've never been a heart worrier, so I'm not sure what to expect. Of course there is also the worry in the back of my mind that they WILL find something right before I'm set to start studying for the bar exam next month and it will disrupt all my end of law school plans.

Thanks for any insight and good vibes you may have!!