I’ve recently had a bad relapse of health anxiety, it all started after having a lovely evening with my boyfriend laughing at a movie and then suddenly I thought there was something wrong with my heart, I panicked and well it went downhill from there.

I’ve been doing my best to sit with the anxiety when it comes, but the past week it’s like I get these rushes of excitement, it feels like I could laugh or cry and my stomach has a hollow empty feeling, I’ve felt this hollow feeling with grief before but not used to it with anxiety.

Anyways it comes on in my stomach/chest area sometimes I can feel it in my jaw tingling, I feel overly excited-hyper - I’m doing my best to not google anything health related that could be causing it, it’s strange because it doesn’t send me into a panic, my heart isn’t racing and I’m not hyperventilating. It just feels like a very strong nervous energy inside me, I’m going to keep trying to just sit with it but has anyone experienced this and has any tips for me on how I can get this nervous energy to pass?

I’m holding off visiting my GP, I had an ECG a year ago which was fine, blood pressure can be high when panicking but it’s mostly absolutely fine, so I really don’t want to waste their time asking them to check for tumours, heart issues etc even if my anxiety would love me to go get checked.

So yeah any advice would be helpful - I’ve been having magnesium baths, meditating, playing my piano but it still happens even if I’m relaxed, not sure what else I can do to get it to go away

Thanks for reading :-)