Hi Everyone I haven't posted in years but recent events have me posting. Two weeks ago I came home at around dusk or right after it was still light enough. As I was opening my door I saw a bunch of insects and a big light brown thing flying at first I thought it was a moth and I didn't feel anything now I am questioning if I was wrong and it was a bat.. Well the next week my mother passed and last Tuesday was her funeral. Since then I have suffered severe anxiety and today I was doing OK and what do I read about in the Paper Rabid bats found in Utah with a sub article about a man in Minnesota who was 84 and woken up to a bat biting him and despite taking the vaccine due to other health issues the vaccine failed and he died. I have suffered this phobia for over 40 years off and on especially since I was bitten 20 years ago and received the vaccine. It is just that a friend had been bitten in 1978 at the time my uncle molested me and I clung to the rabies phobia as a means of coping and now here I am again spiraling any thoughts to help me.?