I just come down from a pretty high season of being extra anxious. I actually took a moment to reflect on this yesterday during the day. I was feeling really appreciative and grateful for feeling more relaxed and less anxious.

HA...Well that was short lived...

Last night in bed I was scrolling on my phone when I randomly got a sharp pain in my throat. It honestly felt like swallowed something sharp and it got stuck. I had eaten about an hour and a half prior to this happening. I got up and went to the bathroom to gargle some warm water. The sharp sensation dissipated but I will feel it from time to time today. And all day today there seems to be a general soreness in the area.

Normally I would be afraid that I swallowed a bone or a piece of metal when eating. But I wasn't eating. This was completely out of the blue And I literally have no idea what it can be. Hoping somebody can talk me down or let me know they've experienced something similar?