Could it have been a bat that bit me???

Could i have been exposed to a bat??

Hi guys, so cutting straight to the chase. I am from USA and i live somewhere where bats are known to be rabid but fortunately they are controlled and people just dont get bit or meet them.

I was at work yesterday cutting boxes like usual and today i noticed 3 small wounds on my arm. Have not noticed them until now.

Now i scratched it and now it burns and it turned into a raised bump like an insect bite.

Now two logical possibilities here:

1. I cut myself with the cardboard boxes at work and did not notice it until now.

2. Insect or insects bit me on the same arm 3 times close to each other.

Now the bat part. Could it have been a bat that bit me like if i was takin the boxes outside and it was on the ground and bit me on my arm and went into hiding or they just dont work like that?? I have never seen a bat in my life nor i felt this wounds on my arm.

Could this have been a bat or it was insects because of the raised bumps after i scratched it, it looks like that part of my skin is peeled, not a typical insect bite, idk, anyone???? Thank yo

I cant upload the picture from my phone, is there a way to do it or not?? Thank you