Hey, thanks a lot for answering. I read that insects don't carry it and i get they don't transmit it, but i feel like i am that unlucky person who in some way got rabies and that insects needle was containing rabies saliva and when it bit me, it injected rabies saliva too. But then my logical side says this ain't a movie wake up but then something tells me that something bad is gonna happen and you caught this virus. The only thing worrying me is this bump thing, looks like a pimple thing and i am scared this is where the insect bit me.

Can i ask you a question? What if it was not an insect but a bat?? It was around 6pm and very light and very sunny and hot outside, Could they extend their necks and bite or they have to land on you, cling on you then bite and i should have noticed it biting my arm right??? Thanks again

By the way, i found the picture of that thing and took a picture of the "bite" mark, if you can, take a look, thx
Photo Jul 30 2023, 12 08 32 PM.jpgPhoto Jul 30 2023, 12 43 24 PM.jpgPhoto Jul 31 2023, 6 43 17 PM.jpg