I've been prescribed both for my anxiety. I've taken Xanax many times before over the past few years.
Propranolol is new to me. I've been taking it for 3 days now and feel pretty well on it. Except that I'm constantly worried about my heart rate being in the 60s when before it was in the 80s. So I'm just overly anxious at the moment about my heart rate and blood pressure.
Has anyone ever taken them together? I asked the pharmacist and she said there is no problem with that. But given my fears right now, I worry the combination will lower my heart rate or blood pressure too much. Even though I never noticed Xanax did either, it mostly just kept me calm.
However I just wanted to know if anyone had any experience taking both and how they felt. I have a long drive coming up on Tuesday which I would typically take a Xanax for (they don't make me feel drowsy) but I'm worried they might with this combination.