I’ve had a lorazepam prescription for a while now. Typically, I only take it now and then when my anxiety is high and I’d never taken more than 0.5mg in a day. Over the last two months my anxiety was a bit higher and I was taking it more often - I’d say most days. When I got Covid a month ago it got even worse there were a few days I took 1mg during the day. My anxiety has been getting better so I decided to try to stop taking it. I’ve never had any issues with going days without taking it. This time, my last dose was Sunday. Since then I have been getting bad dizzy spells/feeling weird and detached for hours. That’s not a typical anxiety symptom for me.

Now, I honestly can’t remember if I was having this dizziness before I stopped taking it because I’ve felt weird for the last several weeks. But I went 5 days without the drug until yesterday when I was at work. I was feeling so dizzy and off and my boss was going to take us out to lunch, so I gave in and took one to avoid panicking. I felt better within like 20 mins. This was first a relief but then it freaked me out that maybe the weird symptoms were withdrawal.

I didn’t know a lot about how Benzos work. So I looked it up and now I’m kind of freaking out that I screwed up my brain.

Who has experience with this drug at a really low dose and how did you get off it and what was that like?
