Hi everyone

I’ve been on and off the forum for about ten years now. The majority of that time I’ve been feeling good.

In 2017 I was prescribed 20mg fluoxetine. And since then I’ve been feeling pretty much great. So great that a few months ago I decided to come off them. I came off them over 2 months, with my last dose 10mg every other day. And then I stopped in September.

Fast forward four weeks, and I have had a massive crash. All my anxiety came flooding back a few weeks ago. My GP restarted me on 20mg fluoxetine which I’ve been taking for a week now. But my god, my anxiety is so intense.

Has anyone been through restarting after one month off? Do I have to go through all the initial side effects again?

Im finding it a real struggle and i’m not sure whether to continue.

Thanks so much.