Hey everyone, I'm in my early 30s and share the house with my 17yo brother and parents.
My brother is not vaccinated and a few days ago he woke up with a terrible headache did the home test given to us in the UK and it came back positive, obviously I knew at that point infection was likely since we are always in close proximity..but everything was fine and I felt normal, until yesterday. I started getting the typical cold symptoms, a few sneezes blocked nose and sore throat so I did two tests at home at different times during the day and they came back negative. This evening Friday into Saturday and early morning my throat got worse and I did a third test...and my suspicions came true...it came back positive..the problem is I've been panicking alot since finding out. I'm exhausted and my mind won't let me sleep I'm also feeling quite hot...which I suspect is my body and mind panicking. The rest of the symptoms aren't too bad right now. Slightly congested. Just so you know I had two Pfizer jabs over a year ago..when it was first available for my age range... I'm panicking alot right now almost to the point of a meltdown and just can't relax thinking the worst could happen (typical) I'm very physically fit and quite slim.

Wish I could sleep this off right now as I'm so tired but can't!!!