You've certainly been through the mill, Sarah. I have great respect and admiration for you and all that you say on here. I have a Stephen too and he had a missing thumb when he was born so one was "made" for him from his index finger. He was born without an oesophagus too so i didn't have a lot to contribute to the post natal group about feeding!! He has Vater's syndrome which I think is now known as Vacterl anomaly and his stomach is now at the back of his throat.

My daughter was feral but now is completely the opposite. The shoe shop owner kindly used to close the shop when she went in for a fitting because she was so wild. You wouldn't believe it now.

These experiences are dreadful but they give you resilience and strength. You have to get a grip because no one else will get a grip for you. The meds and therapy package only takes you so far. The "grip" gives you power.