Last night I found mice droppings in the window sill of my daughters room. Literally inches away from where me and here sleep every night. I went and bought 12 traps and put them out and this morning I had caught a DEER MOUSE! Well I sent my daughter to school and took off work and called an exterminator. He’ll be here in an hour. Then I started frantically cleaning. Bleaching, vacuuming, sweeping! I found another area in the opposite end of my house we’re my dog stays that was full of mouse poop. I’m assuming because his food is in there. Well anyway, I began sweeping up the poop and dust and particles were flying eveywhere. I was wearing gloves but just shorts and a T-shirt. My body or nose wasn’t protected. It wasn’t until after I had been cleaning for about 30-45 mins that I thought about Hantavirus! I for 100% inhaled poop and mouse pee. I’m also afraid that the poop was so close to us when we were sleeping, I could’ve inhaled it that way too. I live in Mississippi and we’ve never had a known case of Hanta but the mouse I caught was for sure a deer mouse and I’m afraid there may be more. Please help! I very well could’ve been exposed.