So I have developed this intrusive thought. It started after the eclipse, because I thought I had damaged my eyes. I went to my eye doctor (I was due for an appointment anyway), and my eyes were fine.

Since then, though, I have developed this fear that I am going to look at the sun. Every time I accidentally look like because I'm driving and it comes into my field of vision, or I am looking up to look for something and I spot it in my vision, I freak out. I know that retina damage can take 12-24 hours to show symptoms, so for that period of time, I am panicked and convinced that I am going to go blind.

This extends to reflections of the sun off of cars when I am driving. It's become panic inducing for me to just walk outside or drive, because if I am driving behind a car and the sun is reflecting off its back windshield, it's directly in my field of vision, and it's hard for me not to look at it.

And lately, it seems like it's become MORE likely that I will look, because it's completely dominating my thoughts. Like if you tell yourself "Don't look at that thing." It's very hard to do that, because that thing is all you are thinking about. It's caused me an intense amount of misery and panic. Any advice?