So as some of you may know I was having heat worries pretty strongly ever about a month ago.. what triggered it was when I experienced an episode of SVT. Well that day in the ER he had tried vagal responses to slow my heart rate. One of which included pressing on the eyes... now before he did this I told him I had high eye pressures. But he said it's fine and continued anyway. Which now thinking back idk if he understood me. But to give you background info.. I have bad eyes. So I wear contacts and glasses. But I also have what they call ocular hypertension. I have done many thorough tests and the opthomalogist said I don't have glaucoma. Nor am I a glaucoma suspect. But I'm thinking what if that doctor caused damage to my eyes when he was pressing on them... I am trying not freak out because maybe it's anxiety. Or maybe I'm right. But every time I go through a HA attack it feels very real to me. Like I literally feel like I am right and there if something wrong with me. And each new time I assure myself that this attack is different from the last one. And that there is now something seriously wrong :( how do I stop the madness? I also feel that what I experience is more complex than other people with health anxiety (not to be disrespectful) but I don't freak out over "basic" stuff. I freak out over things that I feel could possibly happen. Does that make sense? Or is this just all anxiety. Please give thoughts.