So I have been diagnosed with SAD and I have been having some quite bad anxiety attacks which have been getting in the way of living. I have been a pain in the backside for my family and my better half (MBH).

It was MBH that suggested I was suffering from SAD a few weeks ago. I haven't quite been myself. I have been feeling down for a while (since September) and the anxiety attacks have started. I also seem to want to hibernate! I have always seen this as a normal thing for me as it happens every year. This doesn't make it ok!

So after the chat with MBH, I tried to dismiss it (typical bloke thing to do). I left it a couple of weeks hoping it was just be being a little down. Things did not improve unforntuatley, so I did some research on SAD and decided it was time to call the doctors. I called them last Thursday and booked an appointment for Monday.

Monday came around and I was trying to convince myself not to see the doctor. Thank god I didn't. My Doctor asked why was I in to see her. I said "I am not quite myself at the moment!". I told her about my history with being a bit down and the anxiety thing. I told her that I think it is SAD. She asked for some more details and asked what course of treatment I would prefer. I asked for Fluoxetine as light therapy only has 67% success rate and I didn't fancy therapy at this point. We discussed how long I would be looking to be on the medication (until March it turns out). We also spoke about what we would then try if the medication proved to be ineffective (we are reviewing it in 2 weeks time) and spoke about other treatments.

I took my prescription and picked up the Fluoxetine (20mg once a day) immediately. I took the first tablet that night.

Day 1) There seems to be no change at this point. It was a little difficult to get off to sleep but not too much of an issue. The tablet was taken at 6pm.

Day 2) I didn't feel much change at all. Felt a bit stressed in the evening and got a bit of chest pain. Just rode it out. Again a little issue with sleeping. I took the tablet at 10am.

Day 3) I woke up fine. I felt a lot happier. I am not sure whether or not it was a natural swing for me or if it is a little help from the medication. I felt no stress all day...what a relief! I felt a bit more like me! It was a bit of a long day. Sleep wasn't really an issue. Tablet taken at 10am.

Day 4) Tablet taken at 10 am....I will update you tomorrow on it!