Hi All

Trying desperately not to disappear down the rabbit hole! My mum (84) has just been diagnosed as severely anemic and put on 6 months of iron tablets. Her doctor is convinced there must be a bleed somewhere and seems he is right as her FIT test came back positive yesterday so she is now on 2 week pathway for a colonoscopy. Trying not to assume the worse, but I have this constant panic and anxiety now. She was anemic back in sept 22 and they gave her iron for 3 months and she also had ct scan and endoscopy that time which were clear but they did not check bowels. Due to low iron she is struggling massively with lack of energy and tiredness. Any experiences of this not being cancer or at least being treatable? Lost my dear m-i-l during covid to kidney cancer and was so sudden. Not ready for this with my mum :( Xx