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Thread: Morning Anxiety

  1. #1

    Morning Anxiety

    Morning everyone, Alex here. Forgive me if this is in the wrong place- admins feel free to move it to the right place!

    I’ve been an observer of this forum for the past 6 years but never posted. I have GAD, Health Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression all stemmed from my childhood. Controlled however with home meditation, sage burning, crystal cleansing along with 20mg citalopram (been on it for about a year) and propranolol as and when the adrenaline surges are just too much. And honestly my anxiety has been basically non-existent, it’s been bloody amazing… here comes the BUT… Recently my chemist ran out of my citalopram I was off it for around 8/9 days all together, I won’t go into detail here about the discontinuation syndrome symptoms as that’s a whole different post!

    Anyways…. I have been back on them now for about a week and I’m still struggling, my morning anxiety has been out of this world crazy, and morning anxiety is not something I even suffered with before starting my meds. I know about the cortisol levels in a morning etc but I just wanted to hear others experiences of how they cope with morning anxiety symptoms. I have 2x children (one is 5 and severely disabled) and the other is 2 years old and a little madam. So when I need to get up in a morning and get the kids ready I could really do without the crippling anxiety telling me today is going to be awful, everything awful possible is going to happen and that there is no way I can survive the day while keeping myself and my children safe. And it would be nice to not have to spend my mornings hanging over the loo thinking my nausea is going to win, when I should be making my babies porridge!

    OPs is this all still backlash from my “blip” with the meds? I’m guessing it can take a while for my body to level out all these chemicals. Sorry for the long post guys I’ve ALOT going on right now and it seems just reading others posts isn’t cutting it x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Morning Anxiety

    Not sure what to tell you other than that anxiety is evil and there's a bunch of people here who have your back.

    If you mess with your meds it will mess you up, unfortunately, as will going back onto them. I always have horrendous nausea when I'm changing my cit dosage or when I can't get hold of it for a week or so. It'll pass, but it sucks while it's here.

    Thinking of you.
    ************************************************** ********
    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  3. #3

    Re: Morning Anxiety

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueIris View Post
    Not sure what to tell you other than that anxiety is evil and there's a bunch of people here who have your back.

    If you mess with your meds it will mess you up, unfortunately, as will going back onto them. I always have horrendous nausea when I'm changing my cit dosage or when I can't get hold of it for a week or so. It'll pass, but it sucks while it's here.

    Thinking of you.
    Thank you for your reply. Hearing I’m not alone does make me feel abit better. It’s completely scrambled me missing those meds! It’s like my anxiety is worse than it was to begin with! Even the simplest of tasks is making me panic. I’m praying my citalopram will help with the morning symptoms after it’s kicked back in. Xx

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Morning Anxiety

    I'm sure it will. I'm a big fan of spicy food, but whenever I tweak my citalopram they always become really painful for a week or two.
    ************************************************** ********
    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  5. #5

    Horrible morning anxiety (on waking)

    Hello everyone,

    I’ve had a setback recently (wrote about it on another post) so in turn have been having some cripping morning anxiety, the second I open my eyeballs my stomach starts to churn and the horrible intrusive thoughts start to creep in. I have also now noticed that I’m already anxious about being anxious on waking when I go to bed at night, basically telling my own brain that it’ll be anxious on waking. So of course I am now stuck in this vicious anxiety cycle and tbh I feel like I’m spiralling.

    Any tips on how to combat this? Or anyone in the same boat? Just feeling a little trapped in my own brain right now guys xxx

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: Horrible morning anxiety (on waking)

    Hi there yes ive been having this and more since before Christmas but haven't posted on here because it's so common and I know anxiety can be worse in the mornings, but every morning I get the stomach start then once I stand up out of bed I feel I have no air and get panicky ,when the breathing started and feel of air in my throat and heart beating fast I started to think it was something else and not anxiety but I haven't been to see a doctor about this as I have the biggest fear of them and tests so I go in my garden every morning and do breathing exercises and then just try and carry on with this horrible feeling till it wears off which it does do but sometimes not for hours, and this has been every single morning for a few months ,other than getting some fresh air in the mornings and taking deep breaths that's all I do about it so I also would like some tips, but I think worrying about the symptoms every day will make it worse for me because i won't go and get it confirmed it is definitely anxiety that's my own fault but I'm just terrified of doctors and hospitals that much I just put up with it, hope yours wears off soon .

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Horrible morning anxiety (on waking)

    Definitely in the same boat. Been having a lot of anxious dreams lately and waking up multiple times a night, having multiple different anxious dreams. And I wake up in the morning feeling hot (even though the temperature in my room is the same as always) and feeling adrenaline running through my body.
    I have no idea where it comes from. I've been feeling fairly calm for months. It just started happening. I'm accepting it and waiting for it to pass

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Morning Anxiety


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