Hi, I haven稚 been in the forum in a long time. Last year was a really bad year for me, so much bad things happened. From heartbreak to losing a friend to the beginning of this year where my dog of 19 years passed away this week.

I知 female, 36, have hypothyroidism and take beta blockers for my anxiety. Last year I had episodes of these PVCs, called ambulances and went hospital, they could see them on the ECGs and spoke about my anxiety etc. last time I called ambulance was in December, again, they saw them and said about them not being dangerous and sorting my anxiety.

Today I致e had them very bad, every couple minutes, like a hard this. Went to the out of hours doctor go, he examined my heart, listened to it and took my blood pressure, all fine. Sent me home with a canes which I haven稚 taken. Just took my slow release beta blocker. I知 scared because they池e constant today, usually I only get a couple but this is scaring me that something far worse is going on and I don稚 know what to do. My mum is just getting angry at me and it痴 very upsetting because I can稚 confide in anyone about my fear and that something terrible is going to happen. Like sudden death etc.