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Thread: Anybody else have this illness going around? It's rife here.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Anybody else have this illness going around? It's rife here.

    On the 23rd I had a few drinks with the ex and some friends. I haven't been drinking, and haven't drank since. But I was sick that night. And the next day felt horrendous. I thought it was the alcohol, but it seemed strange as in retrospect I didn't drink enough to feel like I did.

    I was ill through Christmas. Spent it with my ex and son. Couldn't eat Christmas dinner because I was ill. I went home on the 26th.

    Yesterday I developed a sore throat like sandpaper and now a chest infection. It's so painful. Everywhere hurts. My lungs burn. I am struggling to take the dog a few yards because I get out of breath coming back up the stairs in the block.

    My son had this around the 14th. Identical symptoms. Starts with stomach ache and nausea/vomitting and then develops into a chest infection. I told him to come home from school because he was really bad. The ex now is. My uncle visited on the 26th, and now he has it. My brother won't visit because he doesn't want it. Which is a bummer because I need supplies, and I'm waiting to receive my new card from bank (lost it over xmas). So can't even use just eat.

    But this isn't nice. Walking to the toilet is hard and I end up shivering so bad. Radiators are on full blast.

    I've never known a chest infection to follow a sickness bug.
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Anybody else have this illness going around? It's rife here.

    Quote Originally Posted by WiredIncorrectly View Post
    On the 23rd I had a few drinks with the ex and some friends. I haven't been drinking, and haven't drank since. But I was sick that night. And the next day felt horrendous. I thought it was the alcohol, but it seemed strange as in retrospect I didn't drink enough to feel like I did.

    I was ill through Christmas. Spent it with my ex and son. Couldn't eat Christmas dinner because I was ill. I went home on the 26th.

    Yesterday I developed a sore throat like sandpaper and now a chest infection. It's so painful. Everywhere hurts. My lungs burn. I am struggling to take the dog a few yards because I get out of breath coming back up the stairs in the block.

    My son had this around the 14th. Identical symptoms. Starts with stomach ache and nausea/vomitting and then develops into a chest infection. I told him to come home from school because he was really bad. The ex now is. My uncle visited on the 26th, and now he has it. My brother won't visit because he doesn't want it. Which is a bummer because I need supplies, and I'm waiting to receive my new card from bank (lost it over xmas). So can't even use just eat.

    But this isn't nice. Walking to the toilet is hard and I end up shivering so bad. Radiators are on full blast.

    I've never known a chest infection to follow a sickness bug.
    Sounds like a combo of Norovirus, closely followed by that nasty cough virus both me and my dad had during the first 2 weeks of December that really knocked us both for six.

    Have you done a LFT to prove whether or not Covid is in the mix?

    Both me and my dad did about 3 LFTs or so each, and we both tested negative each time.

    Of course, this has been the first 'proper' festive season since Covid first emerged where things have been closest to what they still were in 2019 and before, so some kind of epidemic of various bugs and viruses was (and still is) pretty much inevitable, even though (for better or worse) there's barely a dickie bird in the media about hospitalisations and deaths attributed to the current strains of Covid, so in that respect it's probably a case of 'no news is good news', otherwise they would no doubt still have been putting the fear of God into us all over it non-stop.

    Anyway, hope you get better soon mate.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Anybody else have this illness going around? It's rife here.

    My sister has norovirus. She’s bad with it. Eating very small amounts. Sick…..trips to the toilet. She has a pain under her diaphragm but has not mentioned breathlessness.

    it’s obviously something that’s doing the rounds at the moment. Rest up and don’t do much. At least with your son having been through it, you have an idea of the duration. Maybe he could somehow deliver you supplies seeing as he’s is no danger of catching it again.
    It’s a cruel beast that you feed…..


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Anybody else have this illness going around? It's rife here.

    Apart from B & Q and our local Co-op store (which we don't think are particularly high-risk places in general), me and my dad haven't been anywhere else since the day before Christmas Eve that could be potential hotbeds for Norovirus and whatever other 'bugs' are currently running riot, still including Covid, of course.

    We're also still very much in the habit of regular handwashing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Anybody else have this illness going around? It's rife here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
    Sounds like a combo of Norovirus, closely followed by that nasty cough virus both me and my dad had during the first 2 weeks of December that really knocked us both for six.

    Have you done a LFT to prove whether or not Covid is in the mix?

    Both me and my dad did about 3 LFTs or so each, and we both tested negative each time.

    Of course, this has been the first 'proper' festive season since Covid first emerged where things have been closest to what they still were in 2019 and before, so some kind of epidemic of various bugs and viruses was (and still is) pretty much inevitable, even though (for better or worse) there's barely a dickie bird in the media about hospitalisations and deaths attributed to the current strains of Covid, so in that respect it's probably a case of 'no news is good news', otherwise they would no doubt still have been putting the fear of God into us all over it non-stop.

    Anyway, hope you get better soon mate.
    Sounds similar Lenco. My lad had a very loud cough and it scared the life out of me every time he coughed. Like a fog horn

    No tests yet as I don't have access to any and I don't want to mix with folks incase I pass this on. I've asked if my mother has any. Even if she does I doubt she'd risk it because of my Nan she is old now. It's probably not COVID.

    I had terrible anxiety all day. My heartrate has only just calmed down. Was 120bpm for 4 hours. Sucks living alone because being so ill makes me worry so much. I have a 38.3 fever too.

    Onwards and upwards, I hope today is the worst of it.
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Anybody else have this illness going around? It's rife here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darksky View Post
    My sister has norovirus. She’s bad with it. Eating very small amounts. Sick…..trips to the toilet. She has a pain under her diaphragm but has not mentioned breathlessness.

    it’s obviously something that’s doing the rounds at the moment. Rest up and don’t do much. At least with your son having been through it, you have an idea of the duration. Maybe he could somehow deliver you supplies seeing as he’s is no danger of catching it again.
    I think the breathlessness is anxiety because it's been alright since. And yes Darksy he's going to get the bus tomorrow and bring some bits down for me. He's good like that. He doesn't live too far.
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Anybody else have this illness going around? It's rife here.

    The doggy has been lying next to me all day. He knows I'm ill. I don't usually let him on the bed but he's ok today I'll wash sheets tomorrow. His ear hematoma is back so we're both ill. He has vets on the 2nd provided I'm feeling ok.
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Anybody else have this illness going around? It's rife here.

    Since the early hours of this morning I've been having quite a few psychosomatic symptoms following all the talk of this Norovirus epidemic over the past few days. And I'm not blaming anyone on here, before anyone starts to feel guilty for bringing up said subject.

    Like I've said before, bugs/viruses with Norovirus-like symptoms have surely always been a thing in some form or another ever since the dawn of humankind, but it's only really been since around the early 2000s that trendy 'buzzword'-like names for things like viruses, storms, financial/economic crises, etc have become more and more prevalent.

    Surely, pre-21st Century, simple terms like 'stomach bug' would suffice when describing Norovirus-like bugs, the Great Storm of October 1987 was just referred to as exactly that; not 'Storm (insert name here)'. And we used to refer to financial/economic crises as simply 'recessions' or 'slumps'; not 'Credit Crunches', and finally we didn't refer to snowfalls as 'Beasts from the East'.

    But returning to the main topic; I reiterate that I have always known Norovirus-like bugs to be a thing ever since I have been on this planet, but I think in the past people who had them were more discreet about such things and didn't seem to make a song and dance over them like they seem to do a lot today, especially the 'poor me' attention seeker-types who blab it all over social media, which also applies to other 'ailments'.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Anybody else have this illness going around? It's rife here.

    For you, and I, the issue is probably anxiety. The talk of illness makes us panic and feel ill. And if we do get an illness we panic and worry more than a regular person would. Those of us with anxiety can be quite eccentric in that regard.

    The 2000's was when the information boom began to climb. The early social networks and forums. A point in time when people began exchanging their time in reality, for tokens in the virtual world.

    When you're ill, having somebody who sympathizes because they've had it, or are going through it, helps take the worry away.
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Anybody else have this illness going around? It's rife here.

    Quote Originally Posted by WiredIncorrectly View Post
    For you, and I, the issue is probably anxiety. The talk of illness makes us panic and feel ill. And if we do get an illness we panic and worry more than a regular person would. Those of us with anxiety can be quite eccentric in that regard.

    The 2000's was when the information boom began to climb. The early social networks and forums. A point in time when people began exchanging their time in reality, for tokens in the virtual world.

    When you're ill, having somebody who sympathizes because they've had it, or are going through it, helps take the worry away.
    You're not wrong.

    On the other hand though, I do think there are certain people (dare I say it) who seem to revel in illness and crave all the attention and sympathy from others, both on social media and IRL, which I think can be an insult to genuinely ill people who hate every minute of it, even though the so-called attention seekers who love to make a song and dance over it are often genuinely ill themselves.

    I think there's others who habitually revel in 'grief porn' too.

    But going back to the explosion in many things being awarded trendy 'buzzword' names since the early 2000s, it's a phenomenon I've never quite got, and IMO is symbolic of revelling in 'drama porn' and/or 'disaster/crisis porn'!

    BTW, I hope you're on the mend now.

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