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Thread: Disappointed and depressed

  1. #1

    Disappointed and depressed

    I somehow made myself believe that I could cure my panic disorder by using the Claire Weekes acceptance method. For the past 3+ months, I practiced it hard. I thought I did well. I thought I was making progress. Then suddenly, one day, it started to dawn on me that Claire Weekes method has its limits. How far it will take you depends on the individual, I think. Some can be nearly cured, others will find some relief but still have many difficulties in life.

    Believing that I could be cured, I spent time learning web programming, because I thought I would be able to heal enough to be able to program full time. After a few months, I can see it’s just not possible for me. So now I have been hit with depression and the realization that I will never be able to do what I want in life. I won’t be able to make the money I want. I won’t be able to find love. I want to be dead. Life isn’t worth living if you can’t do what you want to do.

  2. #2

    Re: Disappointed and depressed

    When it comes to anxiety, there is no one single thing that can be said to be a cure. It's a process in which some things work better for some people than for others. That being said, Claire Weekes' approach is based on accepting all feelings that come up, even the unpleasant ones, and moving through them. I think it's more helpful for panic where the symptoms of panic themselves are causing the most misery. It becomes harder if you're struggling with long term challenging thoughts as it can be very hard (though not impossible) to practice true acceptance of that. The urge to fight it is very strong.

    I disagree wholeheartedly that you won't be able to do what you want to do. Obviously that will be, at least to some extent, up to you, but anxiety only makes you think you can't do things. It doesn't actually mean you can't. Take it from me, I've suffered from debilitating anxiety and panic, obsessions over my worries that make it seem impossible to think about anything else, and all manner of accompanying physical symptoms - so many that I can say "I know how it feels" to almost every post on this forum. However, I've still managed to do things I really want to do. I have a good job, I've learned a new language to a good standard, I've travelled. Anxiety often tells me to stop and that it would be safer to stay home and worry but I learned through trial and error to resist those feelings.

    I found Claire Weekes' books very helpful, but it wasn't the only thing that helped. Medication and therapy have been very important for me and really made a difference. Unfortunately, you can't just snap out of this - I know that. But I would definitely advise you to get some help because it's absolutely possible to feel so much better than you do.
    "My only hope is this homemade Prozac... Needs more ice cream."

  3. #3

    Re: Disappointed and depressed

    I will try and figure something out.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Disappointed and depressed

    Quote Originally Posted by bluewalls View Post
    I somehow made myself believe that I could cure my panic disorder by using the Claire Weekes acceptance method. For the past 3+ months, I practiced it hard. I thought I did well. I thought I was making progress. Then suddenly, one day, it started to dawn on me that Claire Weekes method has its limits. How far it will take you depends on the individual, I think. Some can be nearly cured, others will find some relief but still have many difficulties in life.

    Believing that I could be cured, I spent time learning web programming, because I thought I would be able to heal enough to be able to program full time. After a few months, I can see it’s just not possible for me. So now I have been hit with depression and the realization that I will never be able to do what I want in life. I won’t be able to make the money I want. I won’t be able to find love. I want to be dead. Life isn’t worth living if you can’t do what you want to do.
    You was making progress, do not forget that! And then anxiety stuck it's neck around the corner and decided it would like to dance with you. A blip doesn't mean failure.

    She gives good advice. I have her CD's somewhere (I need to find them). Keep going, and don't dwell on the bad days. You will have those regardless. The important thing to learn is how to live with them and lessen them.

    I have had panic attacks since I was 17 years old. I'll be 39 this year (no idea how I made it this far).

    I've accepted this is me. My brain is wired incorrectly. Likely from being born 2 months premature.

    I don't look for a cure. I look for ways to be happy. When I am happy, less anxiety.

    want to be dead
    I just lost the person I've loved for 14 years (breakup). My anxiety and depression have skyrocketed. I am in mental and physical pain. I'm about to spend my first time living alone in my life, at 39!

    The thought has crossed my mind, but that's all it is, is a thought. I am not in the "take action" stage. Why? Because I have goals, and things I want to see, and things I want to do. And I look forward to the days when I am over this breakup. I am actually excited to decorate my new home, and have it how I want it, and wake up when I want, and sleep when I want, and watch what I want. I will save a lot of money. I can focus on my faith. I can have peace and quite. No nagging. No feeling like I'm walking on eggshells. No .... lots of things.

    Flip your perspective.

    Sorry for the essay, I got a bit carried away there lol.
    Last edited by WiredIncorrectly; 15-06-23 at 23:49.
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  5. #5

    Re: Disappointed and depressed

    I feel quite prone to panic these last couple of days. I have developed a drinking problem over the last couple of years. Sometimes I go like 2 or 3 days, then buy another bottle of vodka and binge drink all day. I feel so disappointed in life. I don't know what to do anymore.

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