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Thread: I can't cope anymore

  1. #1

    Unhappy I can't cope anymore

    The last year and a half have been too much for me. I have had severe social anxiety, agoraphobia and panic disorder my whole life which was treated for about 3 years with pregabalin which stopped working about 2 years ago but it is so hard to come off. I lost my partner suddenly in the Autumn which is so hard to talk about and I was out of work when it happened and I couldn't work for months after due to the depression. Then in February I got a job which I loved and was experienced in, but the assistant manager would often make disgusting sexual jokes at me and I felt uncomfortable. I briefly brought this up with my manager and she said she would deal with it, then 2 days later without warning I was dismissed, no warning, no complaints from clients no notice in advance. This is likely due to the manager and assistant manager being friends. When I said at this meeting that this job was the first time I felt happy since losing my partner her response was "that is irrelevant, I don't take that into consideration" But I wasn't actually given any reason to be dismissed.

    The past few days I have mainly remained in bed, I haven't really eaten anything I just get up shower and go back to bed. I really just don't know how to cope I feel like life isn't going to get better as it has only got worse in the last 2 years.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: I can't cope anymore

    Are you under the doctor at the moment re coming off pregabalin. You don’t have to white knuckle it surely?

    About the job, it’s up to you how you feel but from what you’ve said it sounds like you have a good case for unfair dismissal.
    Try and eat some food thats easy to swallow. Custards, yoghurts, soups. Even high calorie Complan.
    Get up and shower but don’t go back to bed. Go outside into the world, just for short walks at first. Maybe look at some mindfulness. Terry did a brilliant post some years back listing lots of resources.
    It’s a cruel beast that you feed…..


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