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Thread: Brand Change - Side Effects?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Brand Change - Side Effects?

    So after having a bit of a teary breakdown this morning to my boss over teams... (She is lovely) She has told me to put my out of office on and take the day to myself. Had a good cry to my husband and then my mum who moved to Spain last year. This is making it difficult as I usually spend a lot of my time there when my anxiety flares up. We have come up with a bit of a plan....

    As usual my anxiety has flared up because I didn't feel well, I do feel better in myself now but as usual I have a couple of issues that keep my anxiety ramping up... I am constantly bloated and just want to burp constantly and my tummy just feels uncomfortable all the time and my chest feel tight. The doctor has given me lanzoperazole to take everyday and said it should start to help in a few days. I also have what I think is a trapped nerve in my neck or shoulder, it hurt a few weeks back but doesn't hurt anymore but the top of my left arm feels crawly and numb all the time and it's really winding me up. I am calling my healthcare today to see if I can see someone about this.

    On the advise of my husband and mum I have taken a diazepam today (If you have read any of my threads you will know how against this I am and very rarely take them.) They suggested I take them over the next few days if I need to then speak to my doctor at my face to face appointment on Thursday. If my anxiety is still bad when I see the doctor and I have to change medication I already know that this will be prozac and I've read some good reviews about it. I am going to book some time off work and fly to Spain to spend some time with my parents while I do this.

    So in a nutshell that's where I am.

    Ava :-)

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Brand Change - Side Effects?

    Quote Originally Posted by Paradise10 View Post
    On the advise of my husband and mum I have taken a diazepam today (If you have read any of my threads you will know how against this I am and very rarely take them.)
    You do what you have to do to get through the day, Ava. Fundamentalism has no place with these disorders. The diazepam should make life more bearable until anxiety levels ease as you begin to feel better physically.

    I already know that this will be prozac and I've read some good reviews about it
    Unfortunately, AD reviews are meaningless as each person's response is individual to them. While there is a good chance that it will work for you there are no guarantees.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Brand Change - Side Effects?

    Good morning, You're right Ian and I am going to take the diazepam if needed over the next few days if needed.

    I know there is no promise that Prozac will work for me as we are all different but I meant I haven't read anything really bad about it and I had read some really good reviews so I don't feel petrified if that's what they move me to.

    Woke at 6.30 today as husband was getting up for work and son for golf and the anxiety was off the charts, I tried to lay in bed to go back to sleep and deep breath but that just wasn't happening. so I sat up in bed and watched a video I remembered seeing about 5 tips to waking with anxiety which said the first thing I needed to do was get up and get dressed and that I should also talk back to my anxiety... (I am going to be a weird one today, talking to myself.)

    I did get up and get dressed and came down and made a brew, walking around I feel bloated, bloated and more bloated and just need to burp. Took some gaviscon and going to take my lanzoperazole soon. Water infection must still be there despite the antibiotics as I constantly think I need a wee but I can't go when I get there and it just feels tingly (TMI I know.)

    It's just so hard when you feel pants to do the things you need to do for the anxiety.

    I am going to finish writing this though and take the dog round the block and also make sure I have some breakfast.

    I did notice something last night though, just as I started getting the brain zaps a couple of weeks ago they had just put me on the pill and I noticed that it said you shouldnt take it with blood pressure medication which I am also on. I wonder if all these pills just aren't helping. At the minute I am on....

    Velafaxine for anxiety.
    Lanzoperazole for Indigestion.
    Rampiril for high blood pressure.
    Felodipine for high blood pressure.
    Cerazette for contraception since my coil was removed.

    I don't like it, that's a lot of pills.

    Anyway till tomorrow. Ava x

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Brand Change - Side Effects?

    Quote Originally Posted by Paradise10 View Post
    I did notice something last night though, just as I started getting the brain zaps a couple of weeks ago they had just put me on the pill and I noticed that it said you shouldnt take it with blood pressure medication which I am also on. I wonder if all these pills just aren't helping. At the minute I am on....

    Velafaxine for anxiety.
    Lanzoperazole for Indigestion.
    Rampiril for high blood pressure.
    Felodipine for high blood pressure.
    Cerazette for contraception since my coil was removed.

    I don't like it, that's a lot of pills.
    There doesn't appear to be any significant drug interaction between them, but I guess it is possible that some combination may have triggered the brain zaps, though venlafaxine is the prime suspect, imho.

    I don't like taking pills either, but as you get older the list of meds taken seem to grow exponentially with each passing birthday. Here in OZ meds are free for concession card holders once we've spent $263 on them in the calendar year. Last year I'd exceeded that in early September. I'd only hit the safety net limit once before and that was the week before Christmas.

    If two blood pressure meds aren't lowering your BP to any significant degree I suggest you ask to be referred to a specialist asap. This is a condition that needs to be addressed quickly.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Brand Change - Side Effects?

    I have an appointment on Thurs with my doc re my blood pressure for a review so will get referred I think as it hasn't come down. Do you know if you can take rennie deflatine with diazepam? I can't find anything online but I'm sure I've seen somewhere not to take together. I throw all the leaflets away so I don't read side effects.

    Most likely then ven causing the brain zaps although weird as I didn't miss any.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Brand Change - Side Effects?

    The active ingredients of Rennie deflatine are calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate and a small amount of an anti foaming agent simeticone, aka simethicone.

    There doesn't appear to be any interactions between diazepam and the active ingredients, but venlafaxine may slow excretion of magnesium which could raise its blood plasma levels, but this is unlikely to be a concern unless you have other risk factors such impaired kidney function, or are also taking large doses of magnesium supplements. If in doubt seek the advice of your chemist/pharmacist or GP, Ava.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Brand Change - Side Effects?

    Checked at the chemist when I got some and it's fine so thank you.

    Ava x

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Brand Change - Side Effects?

    Afternoon all, wow the stuff I put myself through is just daft sometimes.

    So I have been freaking out about my vision for the last week or so as on a night, it just doesn't feel right. Very hard to explain. It only occured to me today that I got a new prescription a few weeks ago for my reading and computer use, which I do a lot off. They upped my prescription. I googled today 'Is my prescription too strong' I figured that was safe and wouldn't tell me anything scary.... It told me what I had been feeling right down to the itchy eyes.
    I'm not saying it is this but I have got my old glasses out and I am going to wear these for a while and see how i go.

    Anxiety is still here, still getting the really bad pains in my breastbone and back and still feel sicky but no looking up online, I have an appointment on Thursday so will tell the doctor then. I also have my physio appointment tonight for my arm so fingers crossed that helps.

    I have cut out all the pills apart from my ven in the morning and my blood pressure meds at night.
    Stopped the pill last week, I had only been on it a few weeks and i have an appointment to get my coil refitted in 2 weeks so i'll manage. Also got rid of the lanzoperazole as they wasn't helping. Not into loads of pills at all. I don't know if they were all affecting my ven and after the strange brain zaps then what seem like start up side effects like jaw clenching and crazy anxiety it was just scary. I also have a sample in with the doctor for a UTI so all bases covered.

    In between thinking about all that 24/7 I am still working, from home but still doing it and trying to manage as best I can. I took the dog out today and I've hoovered and done 2 loads of washing.

    That's it for today.

    Ava x

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Brand Change - Side Effects?

    Has there been a reoccurrence of the brain zaps, Ava
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Brand Change - Side Effects?

    No more brain zaps apart from the first few days that this all started.

    Woke up this morning and it's like I just can't come round, head feels so heavy in the middle like I just want to close my eyes. I feel like I am really having to heave myself around, as arms and legs feel heavy. Also feel so bloated and sicky. Anxiety then kicks in big time because of the way I feel.

    Struggling so much and its only 8.30am.

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