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Thread: New to diazepam

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    New to diazepam

    10 days ago, after a phone consultation, the dr put me on propranolol. I've been taking only a small dose in the mornings, which is when my anxiety is worse at the moment. Although they slowed my pulse down, they didn't touch the actual feelings of high anxiety. So today I saw a lovely dr, who actually listened to me. She said I shouldn't have been put on the propranolol at all. She has given me 28 2mg diazepam to help, to take as and when needed. I have taken them before but only one or two over the years. I'm really hoping they will help as my anxiety is a bit pants at the moment.
    Can anyone tell me any positive stories please, of their experience on them? No negative ones though as I'll be straight back down the rabbit hole.

    Many thanks.

  2. #2

    Re: New to diazepam

    Hi Dee,

    I was prescribed diazepam back in December 2020 and like you, have taken them infrequently and only when I needed them. The most I took, was 2 x 5mg on the day I was moving house; one tablet at 8.30am and one tablet at midday and they were very helpful.

    I was also fortunate enough to get some CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) through the NHS and this was hugely helpful - definitely worth seeing if you can get this through your local NHS provider - I used Birmingham Healthy Minds in the West Midlands.

    Re your current anxiety, 7/11 breathing, Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Meditation can be helpful as well.

    All the best,


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: New to diazepam

    Thank you for your reply urbanhermit, I really appreciate it. I have self-referred to Talk Works for cbt and they're calling me next Thursday. Your other suggestions sound good - where can I find out more please?


  4. #4

    Re: New to diazepam

    Quote Originally Posted by Dee62 View Post
    Thank you for your reply urbanhermit, I really appreciate it. I have self-referred to Talk Works for cbt and they're calling me next Thursday. Your other suggestions sound good - where can I find out more please?

    Hi Dee,

    For 7/11 breathing:

    Doing this exercise 3 or 4 times a day is helpful

    For Progressive Muscle Relaxation:

    Doing this exercise 3 times a day is helpful

    In terms of Meditation I've used the Headspace App and also found Gelong Thubten's book "A Monks Guide to Happiness" to be helpful.

    The biggest game changer for me with meditation, was accepting that the goal of meditation isn't to stop anxious thoughts, but to be able to observe them without getting overwhelmed by them. I should add that this took a lot of time and practice but it really does work.

    Headspace have a video on their YouTube channel about how to deal with Anxiety which you might find helpful:

    Hope that helps,


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: New to diazepam

    Quote Originally Posted by Dee62 View Post
    I'm really hoping they will help as my anxiety is a bit pants at the moment.
    Unlike the propranolol diazepam will directly affect the anxiety producing pathways in the brain and are an effective short-term treatment.

    Can anyone tell me any positive stories please, of their experience on them? No negative ones though as I'll be straight back down the rabbit hole.
    You are not "new to diazepam." You have been exposed to it all your life beginning in the womb as it occurs naturally in all foods [1] so your brain knows how to deal with it. Diazepam and its metabolites seem to be particularly prevalent in plants. My guess is that benzodiazepines (BZDs) are a plant poison to which most non vegetative life, us included, has become so adapted to that we can no longer function without them.

    While the quantities we get from food are small, they are not insignificant. Plasma levels can reach those of pharmaceutical BZDs in patients with some liver diseases [2]. They may become so high that medical intervention is necessary [3].

    Diazepam can be sedating, especially at the beginning, which can impact reaction times and motor skills so be extra careful when doing anything potentially hazardous if effected, especially driving.


    Muceniece R, Saleniece K, Krigere L, et al. (2008) Potato (Solanum tuberosum) juice exerts an anticonvulsant effect in mice through binding to GABA receptors. Planta Med. 2008 Apr;74(5):491-6. (Abstract)

    Kavvadias D, Abou-Mandour AA, Czygan FC, et al (2000) Identification of benzodiazepines in Artemisia dracunculus and Solanum tuberosum rationalizing their endogenous formation in plant tissue. Biochem Biophys Res Commun Mar 5;269(1):290-5 (Abstract)

    Sand P, Kavvadias D, Feineis D, et al. (2000) "Naturally occurring benzodiazepines: current status of research and clinical implications." Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci vol 250(4) p194-202 (Abstract)

    Kotz U, (1991)
    Occurrence of "natural" benzodiazepines.
    Life Sci;48(3):209-15 (Abstract)

    Unseld E, Krishna Dr Fischer C, et al (1989)
    Detection of desmethyldiazepam and diazepam in brain of different species and plants.
    Biochem Pharmacol Aug 1;38(15):2473-8 (Abstract)

    Wildman J, Ranalder U. (1988)
    Presence of lorazepam in the blood plasma of drug free rats.
    Life Sci. 43(15):1257-60. (Abstract)

    Wildmann J. (1988)
    Increase of natural benzodiazepines in wheat and potato during germination.
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun. Dec 30;157(3):1436-43. (Abstract)

    Wildmann J, Vetter W, Ranalder UB, et al (1988)
    Occurrence of pharmacologically active benzodiazepines in trace amounts in wheat and potato.
    Biochem Pharmacol. Oct 1;37(19):3549-59. (Abstract)

    Sangameswaran L, Fales HM, Friedrich P, De Blas AL. (1986)
    Purification of a benzodiazepine from bovine brain and detection of benzodiazepine-like immunoreactivity in human brain
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1986 Dec;83(23):9236-40. (Abstract | Full text - PDF)

    Baraldi M, Avallone R, Corsi L, et al (2000) Endogenous benzodiazepines. Therapie Jan-Feb;55(1):143-6 (Abstract)

    Als-Nielsen B, Gluud LL, Gluud C. (2004)
    Benzodiazepine receptor antagonists for hepatic encephalopathy.
    Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004;(2):CD002798. (Abstract)

    Zeneroli ML, Venturini I, Stefanelli S, et al, (1997) Antibacterial activity of rifaximin reduces the levels of benzodiazepine-like compounds in patients with liver cirrhosis. Pharmacol Res , Jun;35(6):557-60 (Abstract)
    [Note: no benzodiazepine synthesizing gut flora has been isolated and they almost certainly don't exist in humans]
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Re: New to diazepam

    I've been prescribe some too, 2mg to be taken 3 x per day. If I'm honest, I'm scared to take them even though I did try take them for flying once but they had zero effect and I took more than I probably should have.

    I've to take them just to take the edge off my anxiety while I start back on Escitalopram but I'm also worried about taking 2 meds together.

    I have the doctors today to see the best way forward.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: New to diazepam

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin44 View Post
    I've to take them just to take the edge off my anxiety while I start back on Escitalopram but I'm also worried about taking 2 meds together.
    Taking both is not going to do harm, though diazepam may delay escitalopram kick-in a little. However, if it helps you to stay on the SSRI through any initial increase in anxiety then this is a minor consideration, imho.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

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