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Thread: Well here we go... 150mg

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Agitation is literally through the roof this morning. I am struggling to keep still. Have a mild headache and feel exhausted but can't stop moving. This is really hard!!

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    So the agitation cleared off after half an hour of moving from side to side... Did my mile walk this morning with the dog came home with a headache and felt tired. Laid down for half an hour but I was too awake to sleep and my anxiety was having none of it even though I felt exhausted. Pottered round for a while then went to Morrissons for some shopping. Went a bit t**s up after that. I was walking round Morrissions and I felt out of breath, also keep getting an ache round my left boob. I have had a funny left arm for ages, think it's a trapped nerve in my neck but ohhhh noooo not today. Decided it's Heart disease. It's like I have the same 2 or 3 symptoms but I cant decide what they are so I just keep going over and over and over it in my mind.
    Think Im doing some jaw tensing and arm tensing.... I suddenly notice that my jaw is stuck out at an odd angle and my shoulders are up round my ears.
    I have not googled so i'm quite pleased with my self.
    Felt a bit zoned out at times today and had the anxiety all day. It's like an impulse in the tops of my arms that make them want to tense up.... What is this? Driving me nuts.
    Ok rant over... Ava x

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Hello day 8....
    Yesterday was a difficult one but I got through it... had a couple of spells of agitation but I typed on here and moved around and they passed. Also had some health anx again but got through that too. Last night though was surprisingly calm. I cooked my tea and managed to eat some mince. Then I sat and watched TV. No anxiety or horrible feelings. Still had the thoughts but much easier to deal with when you are calm. Went up to bed about 10 but sleep wasn't happening... I laid there but then got really bad restless legs and felt itchy. Got up a couple of times and walked it off round the house and then tried again. Think I got to sleep about 1am. Its all back today though... lots of anxiety this morning and have a really heavy head and feel exhausted. Im going to make myself get up now though and take the dog out. My son is also at the dentist at 10.30...
    Laters fellow veners. Ava x

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    You seem to be experiencing some better periods which is a good sign, Ava. They should continue to grow in duration and become more frequent as the body adjusts. Hang in there.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Thanks Panic Down Under....
    After my calm period last night, this morning was horrific, the worst its been up to now. I had to take a diazepam at half 9. I've spent a lot of the day on here reading success stories and others experiences on ven. It sounds like day 8 to 12ish can be really rough. Feel a bit spaced at the moment, quite a bit of nausea, headache, especially across my cheeks and down my nose. Still tensing my arms up too. I really can't imagine being normal again which is scary. I WILL keep going though. X

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Day 9...
    Yesterday wasn't great, the morning was especially bad, I had to take a diazepam. I did take the dog out but it wasn't as long as usual. I just wanted to get back home. Spent a lot of yesterday pacing and reading ven stories on here. Forced some breakfast down, but my mum cooked me a dinner at tea time but I found I was hungry and I ate all of it. I slept at my parents last night as I think I always think this is my safe place. Watched some TV with them and went up to bed about 9... took me quite a while to nod off though but i was fairly calm. I remember having 2 really vivid dreams last night though... one where I drove my car the wrong way off a cliff into water by accident, I remember getting out of the car and swimming to the surface. The second where I worked in a hotel. (I had a busy night while I was asleep lol) my dad brought me a cup of tea in bed this morning. Im quite shakey this morning and a bit queasy but its nicer waking up to people in the house as at home my husband starts work at 6 so I wake up on my own. I take my ven about half 8 in the morning and I've been noticing I get agitation and hot face flushes about 4.30 every day.
    Fingers crossed day 9 is better than the others. Till later. Ava x

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Quote Originally Posted by Paradise10 View Post
    I take my ven about half 8 in the morning and I've been noticing I get agitation and hot face flushes about 4.30 every day.
    Because of its short half-life splitting the dose and taking half about 12 hours apart may smooth out swings like this, Ava. In theory this shouldn't happen with extended-release formulations, but it often does. In fact there is a strong case for split dosing with most ADs, but doctors prefer not to prescribe them this way because the more often patients need to take a med daily the less likely they are to take it. We can be a contrary bunch.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Thanks Ian, its so nice to have you on here answering my queries.

    Well I have managed another day on the ven train... and what a journey! I surprise myself some days with the trauma I put myself through. Still getting the chest ache on the left side above and below my boob, yesterday it was heart disease, today its high blood pressure caused by the ven. Just had to stop myself buying a machine to check. I have a telephone review with my doctor on the 17th so If I'm still having these aches then, i will tell her. Did my mile walk this morning but it was difficult was really out of breath and my chest was aching. Came home and had my agitated hour. Popped home at lunch time to get some stuff then went out to pick my son up from college. Watched some TV with my son and I have put some tea in for when my mum gets in from work. Managed with no diazepam as well today. I'd say for day 9 I'm experiencing...

    Increased anxiety
    Periods of agitation
    Arm tension
    Jaw ache
    Sometimes feel a bit out of it.

    Not eaten much today but I have felt a bit more hunger. Sleeping OK just taking a while to nod off.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Quote Originally Posted by Paradise10 View Post
    yesterday it was heart disease, today its high blood pressure caused by the ven. Just had to stop myself buying a machine to check.
    The good news is SSRIs and some SNRIs and TCAs, including venlafaxine, are mild anticoagulants which may reduce the risk of heart attacks and ischaemic stroke (but may slightly increase it for the much less common haemorrhagic stroke).
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Day 10... please someone tell me this is normal. I feel so ill this morning. Headache, feel sick, absolutely nothing in me at all to do anything. Just need to go back to sleep but anxiety won't let me, its through the roof. When do these side effects pass, surely they should have gone by now. I cant seem to make myself get up. Please tell me this is the worse before better. My brain won't stop. I'm petrified.

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