Quote Originally Posted by panicface View Post
I managed a slow 2hr photography walk this morning. But mid way had to physically lay down on someones porch for thirty minutes. Another walk at the end of the day, but after 30 min, I physically just couldn't walk anymore..

...heat also fatigues me more and sunshine
Do you often go on 2 hr walks and was it a hot day? Unless they're used to it a 2 hr walk would test many.

I also can no longer get any erections without viagra once i bumped up to 0.5mg..
That is more likely to be the escitalopram (Lexapro). Sexual dysfunction is a common SSRI side-effect, especially at the beginning. If it persists you could try switching to citalopram (Celexa). While they are essentially the same drug their side-effects can differ.

Do you think the combination of Lexapro and 2mg of Xanax could be causing the lethargy?
I think it is more likely to be the alprozalam (Xanax), but some find escitalopram (Lexapro) fatiguing.

Either way, I suggest you get checked out by a doctor just in case. Always assuming it's the med when something unusual happens can be a trap. We're as prone to humanity's ills as everyone else.

Can't wait to wean myself off xanax but it will be a long slow process.
Weaning directly off alprazolam can be very difficult, mostly because of its short half-life. It would be better to switch to an equivalent dose of a longer half-life benzodiazepine such as diazepam (Valium) and wean off it. The alprazolam half-life is 11-13 hours and its metabolites don't add much if anything to that. For diazepam it is about 50 hr, plus up to 100 hours for its active metabolite. While alprazolam is completely eliminated within 2 days, it takes about 10 times as long for diazepam and its metabolite to be eliminated which usually makes for a much smoother 'ride' when weaning off.