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Thread: Been referred to endoscopy due to "suspected upper GI cancer"

  1. #1

    Been referred to endoscopy due to "suspected upper GI cancer"

    Hi all, I've had stomach issues and acid reflux on and off for at least 10+ years (now 39 years old). For the last two months I have been extremely stressed at work and my stomach had been playing up (mainly bloating no matter what i eat) Then I started to notice my throat began feeling stingy and itchy, and pretty soon I was struggling to talk without the urge to cough. My voice has grown hoarse also, and whenever I tried talking louder I would cough. My throat/upper chest began to feel tight, dry, and sometimes would have a buildup of mucous at the base of the esophagus. I also have upper back pains that feels like strained muscles, not sure if it's due to the acid reflux as well.

    Two days ago we had friends over and I was talking more, and I felt that I may have irritated my throat even more, because the following day I noticed the tightness in my throat was more prominent and food seems to be stuck at the base of the esophagus, and I would have to swallow a few more times to get it down.

    I saw my GP today, where I mentioned I had an endoscopy back in 2014 and the report showed I had Barrett's Esophagus (but back then the doctor only told me verbally it was inflamed). In 2015 I went for a follow-up at a different hospital for a small bump in the stomach they've found in the 2014 endoscopy, and was told that they did not see signs of Barrett's Esophagus. The GP said because it was such a long time ago, he would suggest I get another endoscopy, because if it really was Barrett's Esophagus I would have to get one periodically.

    I asked what the percentages are for them to find something sinister, the GP said he can't give me a percentage but chances are low.
    Nevertheless I am massively freaking out, especially when I saw on my referral that it was due to "Suspected Upper GI cancer". Rationally I know it was probably because GP has to write that in order for me to get an appointment, or get one faster. But I cannot shake the voice in my head saying this means I might have cancer.

    I have been spiralling all day and especially the fact that my throat situation (which i thought had become a bit better) worsen again (tickly sensation, coughing when talking)
    Please can anyone give me some assurance on this I would really appreciate it :(

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: Been referred to endoscopy due to "suspected upper GI cancer"

    Your chances of oesophageal cancer at the age of 39, even with Barrett’s, is practically zero.

    I checked the stats on Cancer Research UK, and the incidence is 5 cases per 1,000,000. So if you believe those extremely remote odds, go out and do the lottery tonight!

    Ive had GORD myself for over 15 years, been on PPIs for 14 years.
    Healthcare Professional with Health Anxiety

    Worrying about Brain Tumours since 2012!

  3. #3

    Re: Been referred to endoscopy due to "suspected upper GI cancer"

    Thanks, I will try to focus on that. It's a bit difficult not to think of the worst when the throat issue is affecting my daily life, i.e. talking and eating, and for so long too :(
    Aside from the lumpy and stingy feeling in my throat and the coughing and hoarseness of voice I'm also constantly feeling like there is something dripping down from my nasal to the back of the throat, not sure if that is part of the acid reflux symptoms?

  4. #4

    Re: Been referred to endoscopy due to "suspected upper GI cancer"

    My mind is going a mile a minute. One minute I will think i am fine and the next I will be spiralling again. It's exhausting. :(

  5. #5

    Re: Been referred to endoscopy due to "suspected upper GI cancer"

    The wording of suspected GI cancer is generic. They all say it ( based on my own referrals). So don’t worry about that. Sometimes they refer people with anxiety quicker I think to relieve them of their anxiety.

  6. #6

    Re: Been referred to endoscopy due to "suspected upper GI cancer"

    Also look up ‘post nasal drip’ as this sounds ‘throat based’ overall.

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