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Thread: My Week From Hell

  1. #201
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: My Week From Hell

    That's good you had a better night, it makes all the difference.
    Mr C doesn't think much either or remember which is probably why he's so laid back, lol.

  2. #202
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Re: My Week From Hell

    Better night again, looking after Granddoggy while the kids are in Slovenia so I awoke to a wet nose and two paws round my neck don't tell OH but much nicer than his hugs
    Had a strange day yesterday had a call from Son In Law in Slovenia saying he was worried bout his Mum she wasn't answering her phone and we're only round the corner so I popped round. Lord was she in a state her Doc had put her on Citrolapram and propranolol for her anxiety. Been taking Citro for a while but only just started the propan. I phoned her GP for advice and was advised to bring her to the surgery. Well what a positive experience that was for me with dreadful white coat syndrome. The lady doctor was brilliant, she's talked to mum in law for few minutes then said she needs to stay on the meds the propranolol won't have kicked in yet but what is actually causing all this is separation anxiety cos Son is away...I asked how she could diagnose different types of anxiety and her reply was because I suffer too ...she gave her some very useful numbers to ring and set them wheels in motion for some urgent counselling.
    For me I now have to be very aware that I must take her recovery on board it's exhausting enough managing my own but this poor lady is in one hell of a spiral.
    Hope everyone else has a reasonably peaceful day

  3. #203
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: My Week From Hell

    Oh jeez JHR, you couldn't have predicted being in that position. Sounds like you coped incredibly well under the circumstances.
    Personally I would have thought the new medication would have better started while SIL was not on holiday.
    They say new meds can increase anxiety when first taken so the timing wasn't great.
    At least you have the puppy to keep you grounded.

  4. #204
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Re: My Week From Hell

    Quote Originally Posted by Carnation View Post
    Oh jeez JHR, you couldn't have predicted being in that position. Sounds like you coped incredibly well under the circumstances.
    Personally I would have thought the new medication would have better started while SIL was not on holiday.
    They say new meds can increase anxiety when first taken so the timing wasn't great.
    At least you have the puppy to keep you grounded.
    I actually found it quite therapeutic Carn she talked about what triggers her anxiety and again I found it mind blowing that a fully trained medics can perform her duties with this stuff going on I know I couldn't do it
    Just got to make sure I try and keep a healthy distance now my helping and solving head is looming
    Brixton is about 8 he was rescued by the kids from Portugal and considering what he went through and the state he was in when he arrived here he's an absolutely a gorgeous boy almost like he's grateful and he helps fill the hole our own boy left in January

  5. #205
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: My Week From Hell

    Aww, he looks a character JHR.

    Yes, to safeguard your own wellbeing maybe up the selfcare on yourself. And I don't mean washing

  6. #206
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: My Week From Hell

    He's gorgeous JHR!

  7. #207
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Re: My Week From Hell

    Reasonable night again, morning anxiety still there and still got a bit of air hunger but it goes when I practice Carnations breathing advice.
    Got the plumber coming this morning to sort a small leak in the kitchen. I always seem more anxious when someone I dont know is coming
    Hope everyone else has a reasonably peaceful day

  8. #208
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: My Week From Hell

    Me too, with someone coming to the house.
    Normally OK by the time they arrive.

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